9 |
AccessErrMess_1=You don't have |
AccessErrMess_1=You don't have |
10 |
AccessErrMess_2=to this object at the time |
AccessErrMess_2=to this object at the time |
11 |
DataTypeError=Data type error |
DataTypeError=Data type error |
12 |
TypeCastErrMess=Typ cast not possible |
TypeCastErrMess=Type cast not possible |
13 |
InstantiationError=Instantiation error |
InstantiationError=Instantiation error |
14 |
InstantiationErrMess=Class must be instantiable! Abstact classes or interfaces are not allowed! |
InstantiationErrMess=Class must be instantiable! Abstact classes or interfaces are not allowed! |
15 |
ClassCastError=Class cast error |
ClassCastError=Class cast error |