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Contents of /trunk/src/appl/parallel/client/RemoteExecutionController.java

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Revision 78 - (show annotations)
Wed Feb 10 16:43:46 2010 UTC (14 years, 11 months ago) by alfonx
File size: 10859 byte(s)
Merged branch 1.8-gt2-2.6 to trunk. Now the trunk is based on GeoTools 2.6.1 and schmitzm-2.0.x
1 package appl.parallel.client;
3 import java.io.IOException;
4 import java.rmi.RemoteException;
5 import java.util.Vector;
7 import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
8 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
10 import schmitzm.lang.AbstractNamedObject;
11 import appl.ext.XuluConfig;
12 import appl.parallel.ComputingResourceContainer;
13 import appl.parallel.model.ParallelStepModel;
14 import appl.parallel.server.XuluServer;
15 import appl.parallel.services.GlobalDiscoveryService;
16 import appl.parallel.spmd.AdvancedSPMDClientController;
17 import appl.parallel.spmd.SPMDClientController;
18 import appl.parallel.spmd.SPMDClientInterface;
19 import appl.parallel.spmd.split.SplitMap;
20 import appl.parallel.util.Helper;
22 import com.sun.jini.tool.ClassServer;
24 import edu.bonn.xulu.XuluModellingPlatform;
25 import edu.bonn.xulu.appl.XuluPlugin;
27 /**
28 * This plugin is responsible that all services required for remote
29 * execution are properly started. It first starts the
30 * {@link GlobalDiscoveryService}. Then it uses the following entries of
31 * {@link XuluConfig} for configuration: <br>
32 * <br>
33 * <code>RemoteExecutionController.spmd.start</code> - if, <code>true</code>
34 * the {@link ClientDataServer} is started. <br><br>
35 * <code>RemoteExecutionController.http.start</code> - if, <code>true</code>
36 * the {@link ClassServer HTTP-Class server} is started. <br><br>
37 * <code>RemoteExecutionController.startLocalXuluServer</code> - if,
38 * <code>true</code> a local {@link XuluServer} is started. <br>.
39 *
40 * @author Dominik Appl
41 */
42 public class RemoteExecutionController extends AbstractNamedObject implements
43 XuluPlugin {
45 private final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
47 private ClientDataServer spmdClient;
49 private boolean started = false;
51 private XuluServer localServer;
53 private ClassServer httpServer;
55 private RemoteEventHandler eventHandlerProxy;
57 private GlobalDiscoveryService discoveryService;
59 private boolean startHTTP = false;
61 private boolean startSPMD = false;
63 private boolean startXuluServer = false;
65 private boolean httpVerbose = false;
67 private int httpPort = 80;
69 private String httpBaseDir = ".\\classes"; //default: will be overwritten with the configuration
71 private Vector<ResourceChangeListener> activeChangeListeners = new Vector<ResourceChangeListener>();
73 private Vector<ComputingResourceContainer> lastKnownResources;
75 public RemoteExecutionController() {
76 startDiscovery();
77 }
79 /**
80 * Starts the Plugin
81 *
82 * @see edu.bonn.xulu.appl.XuluPlugin#execute(edu.bonn.xulu.XuluModellingPlatform)
83 */
84 public void execute(XuluModellingPlatform appl) {
85 started = true;
86 loadConfig();
87 startEventSystem();
88 startSPMDClient();
89 startXuluServer();
90 startDiscovery();
91 startHTTPServer();
92 //discover own server
93 refreshResources();
94 }
96 private void startEventSystem() {
97 // start EventProxy
98 try {
99 eventHandlerProxy = new RemoteEventHandler();
100 eventHandlerProxy.startService();
101 } catch (RemoteException e1) {
102 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
103 e1.printStackTrace();
104 }
105 }
107 private void startDiscovery() {
108 if (discoveryService != null)
109 discoveryService.stopService();
110 discoveryService = new GlobalDiscoveryService();
111 }
113 /**
114 * Load the configuration form the {@link XuluConfig}
115 */
116 private void loadConfig() {
117 XuluConfig config = XuluConfig.getXuluConfig();
118 startSPMD = config
119 .getBooleanProperty("RemoteExecutionController.spmd.start");
120 startXuluServer = config
121 .getBooleanProperty("RemoteExecutionController.startlocalxuluserver");
122 startHTTP = config
123 .getBooleanProperty("RemoteExecutionController.http.start");
124 httpVerbose = config
125 .getBooleanProperty("RemoteExecutionController.http.verbose");
126 if (config.getIntProperty("RemoteExecutionController.http.port") != 0)
127 httpPort = config
128 .getIntProperty("RemoteExecutionController.http.port");
129 if (config.getProperty("RemoteExecutionController.http.basedir") != null)
130 httpBaseDir = config
131 .getProperty("RemoteExecutionController.http.basedir");
132 }
134 private void startHTTPServer() {
135 // start the http server
136 if (startHTTP) {
137 try {
138 httpServer = new ClassServer(httpPort, httpBaseDir, true,
139 httpVerbose);
140 httpServer.start();
141 } catch (IOException e) {
142 LOG.error("Could not create HTTP-Server!", e);
143 e.printStackTrace();
144 }
145 }
146 }
148 private void startSPMDClient() {
149 try {
150 if (startSPMD)
151 spmdClient = new ClientDataServer(eventHandlerProxy);
152 } catch (RemoteException e) {
153 LOG.error("SPMD Client could NOT be started. " + e.getMessage());
154 e.printStackTrace();
155 }
156 }
158 private void startXuluServer() {
159 try {
160 if (startXuluServer)
161 localServer = new XuluServer(false, spmdClient);
162 } catch (RemoteException e) {
163 LOG.error("XuluServer could NOT be started. " + e.getMessage());
164 e.printStackTrace();
165 }
166 }
168 /*
169 * (non-Javadoc)
170 *
171 * @see edu.bonn.xulu.appl.XuluPlugin#isStarted()
172 */
173 public boolean isStarted() {
174 return started;
175 }
177 /*
178 * (non-Javadoc)
179 *
180 * @see edu.bonn.xulu.appl.XuluPlugin#isVisible()
181 */
182 public boolean isVisible() {
183 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
184 return false;
185 }
187 /*
188 * (non-Javadoc)
189 *
190 * @see edu.bonn.xulu.appl.XuluPlugin#setVisible(boolean)
191 */
192 public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
193 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
195 }
197 /*
198 * (non-Javadoc)
199 *
200 * @see edu.bonn.xulu.appl.XuluPlugin#stop()
201 */
202 public void stop() {
203 started = false;
204 if (httpServer != null)
205 httpServer.stop();
206 if (spmdClient != null)
207 spmdClient.close();
208 spmdClient = null;
209 if (localServer != null)
210 localServer.stopServer();
211 spmdClient = null;
212 eventHandlerProxy.stopService();
213 }
215 /**
216 * Gets active Resources and triggers the discovery-process. After
217 * the resources are found an update is called on all registered
218 * {@link ResourceChangeListener}s.
219 * *
220 */
221 public void refreshResources() {
222 Vector<ComputingResourceContainer> remoteResources = discoveryService
223 .getRemoteResources();
225 lastKnownResources = remoteResources;
226 //notify listeners about the resource update
227 for (ResourceChangeListener listener : activeChangeListeners) {
228 listener.updateResources(remoteResources);
229 }
231 // The advanced Server still makes some problems and therefore is here
232 // deactivated. May be fixed later.
233 // try {
234 // if(localServer!=null){
235 // ComputingResourceProperties localInfo =
236 // localServer.getResourceInformation();
237 // localInfo.setProperty("Name", "Advanced Internal Server");
238 // remoteResources.add(new ComputingResourceContainer(localServer,
239 // localInfo));
240 // }
241 //
242 // } catch (RemoteException e) {
243 // // TODO Auto-generated catch block
244 // e.printStackTrace();
245 // }
246 }
249 /**
250 * adds the change lister
251 *
252 * @param r the change listener
253 */
254 public void addResourceChangeListener(ResourceChangeListener r){
255 activeChangeListeners.add(r);
256 }
258 /**
259 * Removes the change listener
260 * @param r the change listener to remove
261 */
262 public void removeResourceChangeListener(ResourceChangeListener r){
263 activeChangeListeners.remove(r);
264 }
268 /**
269 * Calculates weight for the given resources for the use in {@link SplitMap}
270 * splitmaps. For this the PerfomanceRating read out of the
271 * {@link XuluConfig} property <br>
272 * "PerformanceRating." + name of the machine <br>
273 * If the rating is 0 an average rating is assumed.
274 *
275 * @param computingResources
276 * @return the weights
277 */
278 private double[] calculateWeights(
279 Vector<ComputingResourceContainer> computingResources) {
280 // first get the rating. Try to find the value in the
281 // (user defined)configuration first, if not there try resource info.
282 int ratings[] = new int[computingResources.size()];
283 for (int i = 0; i < ratings.length; i++) {
284 ComputingResourceContainer container = computingResources.get(i);
285 String resName = container.getInformation().getName();
286 String rating = XuluConfig.getXuluConfig().getProperty(
287 "PerformanceRating." + resName, false);
288 // if not found take the benchmark value
289 if (rating == null) {
290 rating = container.getInformation().getProperty("Rating");
291 }
292 if (rating == null)
293 rating = "0";
294 ratings[i] = Integer.valueOf(rating);
295 }
296 return Helper.calculateWeights(ratings);
297 }
299 /**
300 * Gives a new {@link SPMDClientController}.
301 *
302 * @param computingResources
303 * the resources to be used by the new controller
304 * @return a new {@link SPMDClientController} for the given resources
305 */
306 public SPMDClientController getNewSPMDClientController(
307 ComputingResourceContainer[] computingResources) {
308 Vector<ComputingResourceContainer> resvec = new Vector<ComputingResourceContainer>(
309 computingResources.length);
310 for (ComputingResourceContainer container : computingResources) {
311 resvec.add(container);
312 }
313 return getNewSPMDClientController(resvec);
314 }
316 /**
317 * Gives a new {@link SPMDClientController}.
318 *
319 * @param computingResources
320 * the resources to be used by the new controller
321 * @return a new {@link SPMDClientController} for the given resources
322 */
323 public SPMDClientController getNewSPMDClientController(
324 Vector<ComputingResourceContainer> computingResources) {
325 double[] weights = calculateWeights(computingResources);
326 return new AdvancedSPMDClientController(computingResources, weights,
327 spmdClient, eventHandlerProxy);
328 }
330 /**
331 * @return the execution controller of the given
332 * {@link XuluModellingPlatform} or null, if not found
333 */
334 public static RemoteExecutionController getRemoteExecutionController(
335 XuluModellingPlatform modellingPlatform) {
336 XuluPlugin[] plugins = modellingPlatform.getRegistry().getPlugins();
337 for (XuluPlugin plugin : plugins) {
338 if (plugin instanceof RemoteExecutionController)
339 return (RemoteExecutionController) plugin;
340 }
341 return null;
342 }
344 public RemoteEventHandler getEventProxy() {
345 return eventHandlerProxy;
346 }
348 /**
349 * Prepares a Model for execution, which means it creates a
350 * {@link SPMDClientController} with the given Resources
351 *
352 * @param model
353 * the model which is to be executed parallel
354 * @param selectedResourceContainers
355 * the resources on which the model is executed
356 */
357 public void prepareModelForSPMDExecution(ParallelStepModel model,
358 ComputingResourceContainer[] selectedResourceContainers) {
359 SPMDClientInterface controller = getNewSPMDClientController(selectedResourceContainers);
360 model.setSPMDController(controller);
361 }
362 }

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