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Contents of /trunk/src/appl/parallel/spmd/SPMDClientInterface.java

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Revision 2 - (show annotations)
Wed Feb 25 11:54:01 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by mojays
File size: 9697 byte(s)
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN 
1 package appl.parallel.spmd;
3 import appl.parallel.ComputingResource;
4 import appl.parallel.spmd.split.AbstractSplitMap;
5 import appl.parallel.spmd.split.SplitMap;
6 import appl.parallel.spmd.split.SplittableResource;
7 import appl.parallel.spmd.split.AbstractSplitMap.NeighborhoodBoxingMode;
8 import edu.bonn.xulu.plugin.data.grid.MultiGrid;
10 /**
11 * Using this interface the programmer can access the parallel functionality.
12 *
13 * @author Dominik Appl
14 */
15 public interface SPMDClientInterface {
17 /**
18 * <code>Base Parameters</code> are Objects which are used during the
19 * execution of multiple {@link SPMDTask SPMD-Tasks}. They are transfered
20 * to each of the participating
21 * {@link ComputingResource computing resources} but are not synchronized
22 * with the client and of course in no way splitted. <br>
23 * <br>
24 * <b>Notice:</b> For efficient transport it is recommended that multiple
25 * parameters are transfered at once. To do this use the
26 * {@link #addBaseParameters(Object[], String[])} method.
27 *
28 * @param parameter
29 * @param parameterName
30 * @see SPMDServerController
31 */
32 public void addBaseParameter(Object parameter, String parameterName);
34 /**
35 * Adds multiple Base-parameters at once. Notice that this is only for
36 * convenience and has no performance advantages over
37 * {@link #addBaseParameter(Object, String)}.
38 *
39 * @param parameters
40 * an array of parameters
41 * @param parameterNames
42 * an array of names. The indexes of parameters and parameter
43 * names must of course match
44 */
45 public void addBaseParameters(Object[] parameters, String[] parameterNames);
47 /**
48 * All resources of the array are submitted to split-control. This means
49 * they are (virtually) split and send (virtually) to the participating
50 * computing units. The partitions can be requested on server side using the
51 * {@link SPMDServerController#getMultiData(String)} method. It is assumed,
52 * that all resources have the same Dimension. The same {@link SplitMap} and
53 * splitmap Position is used for all elements. used for every element.
54 *
55 * @param splittableResources
56 * the resource to be splitted
57 * @param name
58 * the name of the resource
59 * @return the multi-data object can be used for adding elements to the
60 * multi data
61 * @see SPMDServerController
62 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
63 * if splitHeight and splitWidth of the resouces does not match
64 */
65 public MultiDataObject addToMultiDataSplitControl(
66 Object splittableResources[], String name);
68 /**
69 * This method is specialized on handling MultiGrids. In principle the
70 * {@link #addToMultiDataSplitControl(Object[], String)} could be used, but
71 * using this method won't handle updates to the MultiGrid required for
72 * correct display in the XuluModellingPlatform. <p/>
73 * The elements of the Multigrid are split and send to the participating
74 * computing units. The partitions can be requested on server side using the
75 * {@link SPMDServerController#getMultiData(String)} method. It is assumed,
76 * that all resources have the same Dimension. The same {@link SplitMap} and
77 * splitmap position is used for all elements.
78 *
79 * @param name
80 * the name of the resource
81 * @return the multi-data object can be used for adding elements to the
82 * multi data
83 * @see SPMDServerController
84 * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
85 * if splitHeight and splitWidth of the resources does not match
86 */
87 public MultiDataObject addToMultiDataSplitControl(MultiGrid multiGrid,
88 String name);
90 /**
91 * The resource is submitted to splitControl. This means it is virtually
92 * split and send virtually to the participating computing units. The
93 * partitions can be requested on server side using the
94 * {@link SPMDServerController#getPartition(String)} method. <br>
95 * <br>
96 * <i>What does "virtually" mean? </i>Well what really happens is that the
97 * metadata is stored. When
98 * {@link #runSPMDModelTask(SPMDTask, Object[]) runSPMDModelTask} is run
99 * next time, the <b>metadata</b> (and all
100 * {@link #addBaseParameter(Object, String) base Parameters} btw.) are
101 * Transfered to the servers. <br>
102 * The "real" splitting will happen implicit, i.e. the participating servers
103 * will request the correct partition.
104 *
105 * @param splittableResource
106 * the resource to be splitted
107 * @param name
108 * a name for the resource (you will be able to request the
109 * resource on server side using this name)
110 * @see SPMDServerController
111 */
112 public void addToSplitControl(Object splittableResource, String name);
114 /**
115 * Merges all the partitions from the server into the sources, from which
116 * the objects were loaded (which may be the Xulu-Client, but may also be a
117 * database or an other location if this feature is implemented).
118 *
119 * @see #mergeAllPartitions()
120 * @see #addToSplitControl(Object, String)
121 */
122 public void mergeAllPartitions();
124 /**
125 * Merges all elements of the specified multidata object
126 *
127 * @param multidata
128 * the multidata to merge
129 */
130 public void mergeMultiData(MultiDataObject multidata);
132 /**
133 * Merges the element at the specified index
134 *
135 * @param multidata
136 * the multidata object containing the element to merge
137 * @param idx
138 * the position of the element to merge
139 */
140 public void mergeMultiData(MultiDataObject multidata, int idx);
142 /**
143 * The counterpart of {@link #addToSplitControl(Object, String)}.
144 * Merges the partitions from the server into the sources, from which the
145 * objects were loaded (which will be the Xulu-Client in most cases, but may
146 * also be a database at an other location if this feature is implemented).
147 * Uses multithreading.
148 *
149 * @param rootID
150 * the ID of the source to be merged.
151 * @see #mergeAllPartitions()
152 * @see #addToSplitControl(Object, String)
153 */
154 public void mergePartition(int rootID);
156 /**
157 * The counterpart of {@link #addToSplitControl(Object, String)}.
158 * Merges the partitions from the server into the sources, from which the
159 * objects were loaded (which will be the Xulu-Client in most cases, but may
160 * also be a database at an other location if this feature is implemented).
161 * Use {@link #mergeAllPartitions()} to merge all partitions at once.
162 *
163 * @param splittableResource
164 * the resource to be merged. (must be an instance of
165 * {@link SplittableResource}
166 * @see #mergeAllPartitions()
167 * @see #addToSplitControl(Object, String)
168 */
169 public void mergePartition(Object splittableResource);
171 /**
172 * Run the given task on with the given parameters. The result is a Object
173 * array with results from all participating servers. The number of elements
174 * can therefore vary in different executions (using different numbers of
175 * servers)
176 *
177 * @param task
178 * the task to be submitted. There may be certain restrictions of
179 * the task to be submitted.
180 * @param parameters
181 * @return All results are combined in one array. Should a server not return
182 * a result, the parallel programmer is responsible for handling
183 * <code>null</code> values inside the array.
184 * @throws Throwable
185 * the Exceptions thrown on serverside!
186 */
187 public Object[] runSPMDModelTask(SPMDTask task, Object... parameters)
188 throws Throwable;
190 /**
191 * Here you can set the boxing mode. See {@link NeighborhoodBoxingMode}
192 *
193 * @param boxingMode
194 * the boxing mode
195 */
196 public void setBoxingMode(AbstractSplitMap.NeighborhoodBoxingMode boxingMode);
198 /**
199 * Sets the neighborhood range. From now on every splitting is done with the
200 * given range. In most cases it should be called before any resources are
201 * add to split control.
202 *
203 * @param neighborhoodRange
204 * the width of the neighborhood range (in cells)
205 */
206 public void setNeighborhoodRange(int neighborhoodRange);
208 /**
209 * All local bounds are calculated on server side using the reference
210 * resource. If {@link SplittableResource splittable resources} of different
211 * sizes or with different {@link SplitMap SplitMaps} are used, it is
212 * possible to get the local bounds of an special resource using the
213 * {@link SPMDServerController#getLocalCalculationBounds(appl.parallel.spmd.split.DataPartition)}
214 * method of the SPMDServerController. <br>
215 * <br>
216 * If no reference resource is set, than the first call to
217 * {@link #addToSplitControl(Object, String)} will set the reference.
218 *
219 * @param splittableResource
220 * the new reference resource (must be an instance of
221 * {@link SplittableResource})
222 */
223 public void setReferenceResource(Object splittableResource);
225 /**
226 * Signals to all participating servers to update the neighborhood and waits
227 * until the update is finished.
228 *
229 * @param splittableResource
230 * (must be an instance of {@link SplittableResource}
231 */
232 public void updateNeighborhood(Object splittableResource);
234 /**
235 * Signals to all participating servers to update the neighborhood and waits
236 * until the update is finished.
237 *
238 * @param multiDataObject
239 * the {@link MultiDataObject} to be updated
240 * @param index
241 * the index of the partition to be updated
242 */
243 public void updateNeighborhood(MultiDataObject multiDataObject, int index);
245 }

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