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Contents of /trunk/src/appl/parallel/spmd/split/SplitMap2D.java

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Revision 2 - (show annotations)
Wed Feb 25 11:54:01 2009 UTC (15 years, 9 months ago) by mojays
File size: 7599 byte(s)
First Commit, corresponds to Revision 1008 of Wikisquare-SVN 
1 package appl.parallel.spmd.split;
3 import java.awt.Point;
4 import java.awt.Rectangle;
5 import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
6 import java.util.Vector;
8 import appl.parallel.client.RemoteExecutionController;
9 import appl.parallel.spmd.split.AbstractSplitMap.NeighborhoodBoxingMode;
10 import appl.parallel.util.Helper;
11 import appl.util.RasterMetaData;
12 import schmitzm.data.WritableGrid;
14 /**
15 * Responsible for splitting a 2D Area (e.g a {@link WritableGrid}) in a 2D
16 * fashion. The splitting is irregular, meaning that the rectangles are not
17 * equally sized, but partitioned according to the given weights.
18 * Splitting is as follows: <br><br>
19 * 1 to 4 Partitions: 1 row <br>
20 * 4 to 8 Partitions: 2 rows <br>
21 * 9 to 15 Partitions: 3 rows <br>
22 * and so on (depending on the square root of the partititons)<br>
23 * <br>
24 * For partitioning the this class strongly depends on {@link SplitMap1DHorizontal}
25 * and {@link SplitMap1DVertical}. First the squareroot of the number of
26 * participating resources is taken to determine how many rows should be
27 * created. After this the height of the rows is weighted by adding the weight
28 * of the resources in that horizontal partition. The Grid is then splitted
29 * horizontal. Finally the horizontal partitions are splitted vertical according
30 * to the relative weight to each other. This is only a a virtual split (a map
31 * of a split). <br>
32 * A neighborhood range can be specified to create partitions that overlap each
33 * other. This overlapping can be done in two different ways: <br>
34 * <br>
35 * <b>Inboxing</b>(default):<br>
36 * <br>
37 * Inboxing means, that the neighborhood area is not part of the calculation
38 * area. <br>
39 * <br>
40 * <b>Outboxing:</b><br>
41 * Outboxing means that the neighborhood area is part of the calculation area.
42 * <br>
43 * <br>
44 * Note that this may also be applied to three dimensional data structures (a 2D
45 * splitting of a 3D datatype).
46 *
47 * @author Dominik Appl
48 */
50 public class SplitMap2D extends AbstractSplitMap implements SplitMap {
52 private SplitMap1DHorizontal horizontalMap;
54 private SplitMap1DVertical[] verticalMaps;
56 public SplitMap2D(int width, int height, int neighborhoodRange,
57 int noOfPartitions, NeighborhoodBoxingMode boxingMode) {
58 super(width, height, neighborhoodRange, noOfPartitions, boxingMode);
59 }
61 /**
62 * needed for serialization
63 */
64 public SplitMap2D() {
65 }
67 /*
68 * (non-Javadoc)
69 *
70 * @see appl.parallel.spmd.split.AbstractSplitMap#makeMap()
71 */
72 public void makeMap() {
73 // take the squareroot of the number of participating resources to
74 // determine the number of rows:
75 int noOfRows = (int) Math.sqrt(noOfPartitions);
76 // calculate weights for the rows (sum of the weights of the partitions
77 // inside that row)
78 double rowWeights[] = new double[noOfRows];
79 int noOfCols[] = new int[noOfRows]; // noOfCols per row
80 for (int row = 0; row < noOfRows; row++) {
81 // calculate no. of cols in the row:
82 noOfCols[row] = (noOfPartitions / noOfRows);
83 // the last row may contain a greater number of cols
84 if (row == noOfRows - 1)
85 noOfCols[row] = noOfPartitions
86 - ((noOfRows - 1) * noOfCols[row]);
87 for (int col = 0; col < noOfCols[row]; col++)
88 rowWeights[row] += weights[row * col + col];
89 }
91 // create the horizontal Splitmap
92 horizontalMap = new SplitMap1DHorizontal(globalWidth, globalHeight,
93 neighborhoodRange, noOfRows, boxingMode);
94 horizontalMap.setWeights(rowWeights);
95 horizontalMap.makeMap();
97 // for each horizontal partition create a vertical split
98 verticalMaps = new SplitMap1DVertical[noOfRows];
99 for (int row = 0; row < noOfRows; row++) {
100 //notice: all splitmaps start at (0,0), later a conversion must be made
101 verticalMaps[row] = new SplitMap1DVertical((int) horizontalMap
102 .getGlobalBounds().getWidth(), (int) horizontalMap
103 .getPartitionCalculationBounds(row).getHeight(), neighborhoodRange,
104 noOfCols[row], boxingMode);
105 int ratings[] = new int[noOfCols[row]];
106 for (int col = 0; col < noOfCols[row]; col++) {
107 {
108 // the rating of the col is the weight of the col * 100000
109 // (ratings must be positive integers)
110 ratings[col] = (int) (weights[row * col + col] * 1000000);
112 }
114 verticalMaps[row].setWeights(Helper.calculateWeights(ratings));
115 verticalMaps[row].makeMap();
116 }
117 }
118 // now we have partitioned the grid. Lets assign the calculation and
119 // neighborhoodareas:
120 for (int i = 0; i < noOfPartitions; i++) {
121 int row = getRowForIdx(i);
122 int col = getColForIdx(i);
123 partitionCalculationBounds[i] = verticalMaps[row]
124 .getPartitionCalculationBounds(col);
125 //because all splitmaps start with (0,0) we must move
126 //the rectangles to the right position
127 int x = (int) partitionCalculationBounds[i].getX(); //the x value remains unchanged
128 partitionCalculationBounds[i].setLocation(
129 new Point(x,(int) horizontalMap.getPartitionCalculationBounds(row).getY()));
130 // if there is only one partition there are no explicit neighborhood
131 // bounds
132 if (noOfPartitions == 1)
133 partitionNeighborhoodBounds[i] = partitionCalculationBounds[i];
134 // else simply extend the Rectangle with the Neighborhoodbounds
135 // created calculation Area (@see AbstractSplitMap)
136 else
137 partitionNeighborhoodBounds[i] = new Rectangle(
138 (int) partitionCalculationBounds[i].getX()
139 - neighborhoodRange,
140 (int) partitionCalculationBounds[i].getY()
141 - neighborhoodRange,
142 (int) (partitionCalculationBounds[i].getWidth() + 2 * neighborhoodRange),
143 (int) (partitionCalculationBounds[i].getHeight() + 2 * neighborhoodRange));
145 // cut of the obverlapping sections which are out of the grid:
146 partitionNeighborhoodBounds[i] = partitionNeighborhoodBounds[i]
147 .intersection(globalBounds);
149 // the partitionCalculation bounds were created for inboxing:
150 if (boxingMode == NeighborhoodBoxingMode.outBoxing)
151 partitionCalculationBounds[i] = partitionNeighborhoodBounds[i];
152 }
153 }
155 /**
156 * @param i
157 * @return
158 */
159 private int getColForIdx(int index) {
160 int noOfRows = (int) Math.sqrt(noOfPartitions);
161 int avgNoOfCols = noOfPartitions / noOfRows;
162 int currentRow = getRowForIdx(index);
163 int returnValue = (index - currentRow*avgNoOfCols);
164 return returnValue;
165 }
167 private int getRowForIdx(int index) {
168 int noOfRows = (int) Math.sqrt(noOfPartitions);
169 int avgNoOfCols = noOfPartitions / noOfRows;
170 int returnValue = index / avgNoOfCols;
171 //special handling for the last row (contains more partitions)
172 if(noOfRows==returnValue)
173 return noOfRows-1;
174 else return returnValue;
175 }
177 /*
178 * (non-Javadoc)
179 *
180 * @see appl.parallel.spmd.split.SplitMap#getNeighborsForPosition(int)
181 */
182 public int[] getNeighborsForPosition(int pos) {
183 Vector neighbors = new Vector();
184 // simply intersect with all partitions to find the neighbors:
185 for (int i = 0; i < noOfPartitions; i++) {
186 if (i == pos)
187 continue;
188 if (partitionNeighborhoodBounds[i]
189 .intersects(partitionNeighborhoodBounds[pos]))
190 neighbors.add(pos);
191 }
192 int results[] = new int[neighbors.size()];
193 // copy into array
194 for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
195 results[i] = (Integer) neighbors.get(i);
196 }
197 return results;
198 }
200 /*
201 * (non-Javadoc)
202 *
203 * @see appl.parallel.spmd.split.AbstractSplitMap#getDescription()
204 */
205 @Override
206 public String getDescription() {
207 return "2D-irregular Splitmap";
208 }
210 }

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