MANAGING PROJECT WEBSITES ========================= Every project on wald can have its own public website. Each project websites has his own URL following this scheme: http://$ The content of this project websites can be easily managed by each project member using rsync. To use the rsync access you have to upload a ssh public key to the server. This can be done using "Edit Keys" on "My Page/Account Maintenance". It is the same key as used for SVN write access, so as a developer on you probably have one already. The Document Root of your projects website is available as:$PROJECT/htdocs/ so to list the contents of your projects Document root you can use: rsync $$PROJECT/htdocs/ to upload a new htdocs folder use: rsync -rvPC --perms --chmod=ug+rw,o+r,Dg+s,Da+x,u-s,Fg-s,o-wt --exclude '*.swp' --delete /path/to/my/local/htdocs/ $$PROJECT/htdocs/ for further information please read the rsync manual.[0] DYNAMIC CONTENT =============== Dynamic content is possible on project websites, but as resources on are limited we highly prefer static content. Many things commonly done using for example PHP can easily be achieved by preprocessing using tools like m4 or WML[1]. If you really need dynamic content on your project home page you can choose from Mod_python or PHP. For security reasons we strongly recommend the use of Mod_python[2]. The psp handler[3] of Mod_python is activated as default and used on files with the suffix ".psp". If you want to use a different handler, feel free to install a .htaccess file with Python*Handler directives according to your needs. For further information please read the mod_python documentation: PLEASE NOTE =========== As said before: resources on are limited. Wasting disk space or cpu time, or use of code with serious security threats might lead to your website being removed from [0] [1] [2] [3]