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Contents of /website/trunk/pages/devel.html

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Revision 673 - (show annotations)
Tue Apr 11 17:40:07 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by bernhard
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File size: 6107 byte(s)
Section Sources: Fixed URL to SVN on Wald.

1 title: Skencil / Development
3 See
4 <a href="https://wald.intevation.org/projects/skencil/">Skencil's
5 project page on Wald</a>
6 and the
7 <a href="https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/skencil/">old
8 project page on Savannah</a>.
11 <h2><a name="N0" id="N0">Stable Version Branch</a></h2>
13 <blockquote>
14 <pre>
15 svn checkout https://scm.wald.intevation.org/svn/skencil/skencil/branches/skencil-0.6
16 </pre>
17 </blockquote>
19 <h2><a name="N1" id="N1">Development Version Branch</a></h2>
21 <p>Development versions have an odd minor release number. The
22 current development series is 0.7.x.</p>
23 <p>The main goals of this development series are:</p>
24 <ul>
25 <li>Port to GTK+</li>
26 <li>Multi-document interface</li>
27 <li>Multi font, fully integrated multi line text</li></ul>
29 There is a TODO file in the development source archive.
31 <p>If you're new to Skencil, please note that the user-interface in
32 the current development versions is very incomplete during
33 the porting of Skencil from Tk to GTK. To get an idea of what
34 Skencil already can do, please have a look at the stable releases
35 first.</p>
37 <!--
38 <h2>Status</h2>
39 <p>The current development version is 0.7.12. The most important
40 changes since version 0.7.11:</p>
41 <ul>
42 <li>Basic translucency support for raster images.</li>
43 <li>An export filter for EPS</li>
44 <li>The updates to the CGM filters and the bugfixes for the SVG and
45 CMX import filters that are also in 0.6.15</li></ul>
46 <br />
47 <br />
49 <p><a href="devnotes.html#N1">More detailed release notes</a>.</p>
50 <p>
51 <a href="<!--download root-->/src/sketch/sketch-0.7.12.tar.gz">sketch-0.7.12.tar.gz</a>
52 (587K).</p>
53 <p>To decrease the file sizes, I've split the font-metrics into a
54 separate file,
55 <a href="<!--download root-->/sketch-fontmetrics-0.7.0.tar.gz">sketch-fontmetrics-0.7.0.tar.gz</a>
56 (130K). The metrics in this file are the same as in the stable
57 series, so if you already have that, you don't need this file.</p>
58 <hr />
59 -->
62 <h2><a name="N2" id="N2">Sources</a></h2>
63 <p>The sources of the development branch of Skencil directly
64 available from the
65 <a href="https://wald.intevation.org/scm/?group_id=5"
66 >its SVN repository</a>.
67 <p>
69 To check out the main development branch out with
70 <blockquote>
71 <pre>
72 svn checkout https://scm.wald.intevation.org/svn/skencil/skencil/trunk
73 </pre>
74 </blockquote>
76 <p>Later, you can use</p>
77 <blockquote>
78 <pre>
79 svn update
80 </pre>
81 </blockquote>
83 <p>to update your copy of the sources to the latest version.</p>
85 <h2>Binaries</h2>
87 <p>Binaries of the development version of Skencil
88 are available for the following platforms:</p>
90 <h3>Windows</h3>
92 <blockquote>
93 <p>
94 An older development version
95 is delivered for Windows as self-executable Python Distutils installer.
96 See <a href="faq.html#FAQ5">FAQ</a> for answers and troubleshooting.
97 Contact <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Joonas Paalasmaa</a>
98 if you have questions regarding the Windows port.
99 </p>
100 <h4>
101 Download:
102 </h4>
103 <p>
104 <a href="http://www.hut.fi/~jpaalasm/files/Sketch-2004-01-20.win32-py2.3.exe">
105 Sketch-2004-01-20.win32-py2.3.exe</a> (755 kb) <br/>
106 See <a href="http://www.hut.fi/~jpaalasm/files/Releases">Releases</a> for the changelog.
107 </p>
108 <h4>
109 Required components:
110 </h4>
111 <p><b>Python</b><br />
112 Get Python from <a href="http://www.python.org/download/">Python download
113 page</a>. The current version of Skencil works only with the version 2.3 of
114 Python.</p>
116 <p><b>Python Imaging Library</b><br />
117 The Windows installer of PIL can be can be downloaded from
118 <a href="http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm">PythonWare</a>.
119 Download the newest version for Python 2.3.</p>
121 <p><b>PyGTK</b><br />
122 You can find a Windows installer of PyGTK at
123 <a href="http://www.pcpm.ucl.ac.be/~gustin/win32_ports/">Cedric Gustin's
124 web site</a>. Download any version that supports GTK+ version 2 and
125 Python 2.3.</p>
128 <p><b>GTK+ Runtime Environment</b><br />
129 You can get the GTK+ runtime for Windows either from
130 <a href="http://www2.arnes.si/~sopjsimo/gimp/">Jernej Simoncic's GIMP page</a>
131 or from <a href="http://www.dropline.net/gtk/download.php">Dropline.net</a>.
132 If you use the former one, you can also run GIMP 2.0 on the same machine.</p>
134 <p><b>LibArt</b><br />
135 GnuWin32 project provides a Windows version of LibArt at their
136 <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23617&amp;package_id=52070">download page</a>.
137 Extract libart_lgpl.dll to any directory listed in the 'PATH' environment variable.</p>
138 </blockquote>
145 <h2>Required software</h2>
147 <h3>Python, Python Imaging Library, XML (optional)</h3>
148 <p>These are basically the same as for the stable version, but
149 you'll need at least version 1.0 of the Python Imaging Library. You
150 need at least Python 2.1 (available from
151 <a href="http://python.org/download/">http://python.org/download/</a>.
152 The Python Imaging Library is available from
153 <a href="http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm">http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm</a>.</p>
154 <p>For platform specific notes and binary packages, see the
155 <a href="download.html#N2">download page</a> for the stable
156 series.</p>
157 <p>If you want to use the SVG import filter, you also need the
158 <a href="http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/topics/download.html">Python XML
159 package</a>. This package is optional, you don't need it for
160 anything other than the SVG import filter.</p>
162 <h3>GTK+, PyGTK and GNOME</h3>
163 <p>Skencil now uses GTK+ instead of Tk. You can get GTK+ from
164 <a href="http://www.gtk.org/">http://www.gtk.org/</a>, you need at
165 least GTK+ 2.x.</p>
166 <p>You also need version 2.x of
167 <a href="http://www.daa.com.au/~james/software/pygtk/">PyGTK</a>, the Python
168 bindings for GTK+.</p>
169 <p>For anti-aliased rendering you also need libart, the rendering
170 library used by the GNOME canvas. libart is part of the gnome-libs
171 package available at
172 <a href="http://www.gnome.org/">http://www.gnome.org/</a>, but it's
173 also <a href="http://www.artofcode.com/libart.html">available
174 separately</a>.</p>


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