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title: Skencil / Download |
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<p> |
4 |
<strong>The Skencil Project is looking for packaging help.</strong> |
5 |
We hope to provide current binary packages for many systems |
6 |
from this page or point people to the packages for their distribution. |
7 |
</p> |
8 |
<p> |
9 |
For the development edition (0.7.x) |
10 |
check the <a href="devel.html#N1">development page</a>.</p> |
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12 |
<h2>Skencil (0.6.x stable series)</h2> |
13 |
<p>You can download Skencil either in source form or as binaries. |
14 |
Please note that Skencil needs some <strong>additional |
15 |
software</strong> to run, some of which is probably not yet |
16 |
installed on your system. See <a href="#N2">below</a> for more |
17 |
information.</p> |
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19 |
<dl> |
20 |
<dt><b>Sources:</b></dt> |
21 |
<dd> |
22 |
<p>Tarball: |
23 |
<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/skencil-0.6.17.tar.gz"> |
24 |
skencil-0.6.17.tar.gz</a><br /></p> |
25 |
<p>The tarball contains installation instructions and some |
26 |
documentation. |
27 |
<br> |
28 |
For building on Mac OS X, see |
29 |
<a href="http://midtoad.homelinux.org/wp/?p=116" |
30 |
>Running Skencil on Mac OS X</a> by Stewart Midwinter. |
31 |
</p></dd> |
32 |
<dt><b>Binaries (current)</b></dt> |
33 |
<dd> |
34 |
<br /> |
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<dl> <!--2--> |
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<dt><b>Fedora Core 4,3,2,1; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4,3 and Red Hat 9,8</b></dt> |
39 |
40 |
<dd> |
41 |
<p>Axel Thimm has picked up Skencil for in his |
42 |
ATrpms apt / yum repository. |
43 |
You might want |
44 |
<a href="http://atrpms.physik.fu-berlin.de/name/skencil/">Skencil</a> |
45 |
and |
46 |
<a href="http://atrpms.physik.fu-berlin.de/name/PIL/">PIL</a>.</p> |
47 |
</dd> |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
<dt><b><a name="debian">Debian</a></b></dt> |
52 |
<dd> |
53 |
54 |
<p>Daniel Baumann is the maintainer for the |
55 |
<a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/skencil.html" |
56 |
>Skencil Debian packages</a>. |
57 |
</p> |
58 |
59 |
<p> |
60 |
A backported package for sarge is available on <a href="http://backports.org">backports.org</a><br> |
61 |
</p> |
62 |
<p>Add the following line to your sourcelist:<br> |
63 |
deb http://www.backports.org/debian/ sarge-backports main |
64 |
</p> |
65 |
<p> |
66 |
Thanks to Gregor Hoffleit (former Debian Maintainer). |
67 |
</p> |
68 |
</dd> |
69 |
70 |
<dt><b>Suse 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.2</b></dt> |
71 |
<dd> |
72 |
73 |
<p>Joel Biddier offers |
74 |
<a href="http://home.comcast.net/~jbiddier/suse/" |
75 |
>Suse packages |
76 |
and nice installation tutorials</a>. |
77 |
Hint: Check out the blue links at the top. |
78 |
</p> |
79 |
</dd> |
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<br /> |
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<br /></dd> |
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</dl> <!--2--> |
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<dt><b>Binaries (older)</b></dt> |
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<dd> |
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<br /> |
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<dl> <!--2--> |
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<dt><b><a name="mandriva">Mandriva</a> (former Mandrake)</b></dt> |
91 |
<dd><p> |
92 |
Mandriva ships Skencil packages, at least you can get |
93 |
them from their cooker and the mirrors. |
94 |
At time of writing (January 2006) Mandriva only has 0.6.16 "skencil" |
95 |
and the fonts are missconfigured. There is |
96 |
a solution outlined in |
97 |
<a href="http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20899" |
98 |
>Mandriva Issue#20899</a>. |
99 |
Please also vote for the pledge to packages the lastest version: |
100 |
<a href="http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20899" |
101 |
>Mandriva Issue#20673</a>. |
102 |
103 |
</p></dd> |
104 |
105 |
<dt><b>Red Hat 7.x</b></dt> |
106 |
<dd> |
107 |
<p>i386: |
108 |
<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i386.rpm"> |
109 |
sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i386.rpm</a><br /> |
110 |
i686: |
111 |
<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i686.rpm"> |
112 |
sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i686.rpm</a></p></dd> |
113 |
<dt><b>Red Hat 8.x</b></dt> |
114 |
<dd> |
115 |
<p>i386: |
116 |
<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i386.rpm"> |
117 |
sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i386.rpm</a><br /> |
118 |
i686: |
119 |
<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i686.rpm"> |
120 |
sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i686.rpm</a></p> |
121 |
<p>All RPMs were built by Andy Grimberg.</p></dd> |
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<dt><b>Slackware</b></dt> |
123 |
<dd> |
124 |
<p> |
125 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware/8.1/sketch-0.6.14-i386-1.tgz">Sketch |
126 |
0.6.14 for Slackware 8.1</a><br /> |
127 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware">More Slackware |
128 |
packages</a><br /></p> |
129 |
<p>All the Slackware packages were built by Jeffrey Boser. If there |
130 |
are problems, you can reach him at |
131 |
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p></dd> |
132 |
<dt><b>SuSE 6.x and Red Hat 6</b></dt> |
133 |
<dd> |
134 |
<p> |
135 |
<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.12-1.i386.rpm"> |
136 |
sketch-0.6.12-1.i386.rpm</a><br /> |
137 |
(You also need the <a href="#N2">Python Imaging Library</a>)</p> |
138 |
<p>This is a relocatable rpm that by default installs Sketch into |
139 |
<tt>/usr/bin</tt>, <tt>/usr/lib/sketch-0.6.12/</tt> and |
140 |
<tt>/usr/doc/packages/sketch/</tt>. If you want to install it |
141 |
somewhere else, use rpm's --prefix option.</p> |
142 |
<p>The RPM was built on a RedHat 6 system.</p></dd> |
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<dt><b>SuSE 7.2</b></dt> |
144 |
<dd> |
145 |
<p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Marcel |
146 |
Ritter</a> has contributed a binary RPM for |
147 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/suse//7.2/sketch-0.6.12-1.i386.rpm">SuSE |
148 |
7.2 on i386</a>.</p></dd> |
149 |
<dt><b>SuSE 7.1</b></dt> |
150 |
<dd> |
151 |
<p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Marcel |
152 |
Ritter</a> has contributed a binary RPM for |
153 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/suse//7.1/sketch-0.6.12-1.sparc64.rpm">SuSE |
154 |
7.1 on Sparc</a>.</p></dd> |
155 |
<dt><b>Red Hat 7</b></dt> |
156 |
<dd> |
157 |
<p>Michael Walton has provided some RPMs specifically for Red Hat |
158 |
7. Please have a look at the |
159 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/README">README</a>:<br /> |
160 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/sketch-0.6.8-1.i386.rpm">sketch-0.6.8-1.i386.rpm</a><br /> |
161 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm">python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm</a><br /> |
162 |
</p></dd> |
163 |
<dt><b>Linux PPC</b></dt> |
164 |
<dd> |
165 |
<p>Eric Marston has contributed a |
166 |
<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.10-1.ppc.rpm"> |
167 |
Binary RPM of Sketch 0.6.10 for Linux PPC</a>. Newer versions may |
168 |
be available in Linux PPC's |
169 |
<a href="http://linuxppc.org/software/index/contrib/">contrib |
170 |
section</a></p></dd> |
171 |
<dt><b>Alpha</b></dt> |
172 |
<dd> |
173 |
<p>Philipp Reisner has contributed an |
174 |
<a href="http://www.ist.org/~kde/rpms/sketch-0.6.5-2.alpha.rpm">RPM |
175 |
of Sketch 0.6.5 for Alpha Linux</a>.</p></dd></dl> |
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<br /> |
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</dd> |
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</dl><!--2--> |
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</dl> |
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<h2>Other software</h2> |
182 |
<h3><a name="N2" id="N2">Python and Python Extensions</a></h3> |
183 |
<p>The python interpreter is not included in the Skencil sources. |
184 |
You have to download and install it separately. You need at least |
185 |
version 1.5.1.</p> |
186 |
<p>In addition to the interpreter itself, you need the Python |
187 |
Imaging Library (PIL).</p> |
188 |
<dl> |
189 |
<dt><b>Sources:</b></dt> |
190 |
<dd> |
191 |
<p>If you want to compile python yourself, download the sources of |
192 |
the interpreter and the PIL:</p> |
193 |
<p> |
194 |
<a href="http://python.org/download/">http://python.org/download/</a><br /> |
195 |
196 |
<a href="http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm">http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm</a></p> |
197 |
<p>If you want to use the SVG import filter, you also need the |
198 |
<a href="http://www.python.org/topics/xml/download.html">Python XML |
199 |
package</a>. This package is optional, you don't need it for |
200 |
anything other that the SVG import filter.</p> |
201 |
<p>If you want to use the PDF export filter, you also need |
202 |
<a href="http://www.reportlab.com/">reportlab</a>. This package is |
203 |
optional, you don't need it for anything other than the PDF export |
204 |
filter.</p></dd> |
205 |
<dt><b>Binaries:</b></dt> |
206 |
<dd> |
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<dl> |
208 |
<dt><b>GNU/Linux Distributions:</b></dt> |
209 |
<dd> |
210 |
<p>Most recent Linux distributions include a suitable Python |
211 |
interpreter but not the PIL. Some distributions split the Python |
212 |
interpreter into several packages. You need to install the packages |
213 |
that install the interpreter proper and the Tk interface Tkinter. |
214 |
If you want to compile Skencil or the PIL yourself, you may also |
215 |
have to install a 'python-devel' package.</p> |
216 |
<dl> |
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<dt><b>Red Hat</b></dt> |
218 |
<dd> |
219 |
<p>7.x: |
220 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm"> |
221 |
python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm</a><br /> |
222 |
8.x: |
223 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/8.0/python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh8x.i386.rpm"> |
224 |
python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh8x.i386.rpm</a></p> |
225 |
<p>Both RPMs were built by Andy Grimberg.</p></dd> |
226 |
<dt><b>Slackware</b></dt> |
227 |
<dd> |
228 |
<p> |
229 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware/8.1/python-2.2-PIL-1.1.3.tgz">PIL |
230 |
1.1.3 (Slackware 8.1)</a><br /> |
231 |
<a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware">Other Slackware |
232 |
packages</a></p> |
233 |
<p>All the Slackware packages were built by Jeffrey Boser. If there |
234 |
are problems, you can reach him at |
235 |
<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p></dd></dl> |
236 |
</dd></dl> |
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</dd></dl> |
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<h3>Tcl/Tk</h3> |
240 |
<p>It is likely that you have this already, but if not, you can get |
241 |
it from</p> |
242 |
<p> |
243 |
<a href="http://www.scriptics.com/software/download.html">http://www.scriptics.com/software/download.html</a></p> |
244 |
<p>Any version from 8.0 to 8.3 should work.</p> |