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Revision 677 - (show annotations)
Thu May 11 09:10:22 2006 UTC (18 years, 9 months ago) by bernhard
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File size: 8456 byte(s)
pages/download.html: Clarified what is what Skencil series on the top.

1 title: Skencil / Download
3 <p>
4 <strong>The Skencil Project is looking for packaging help.</strong>
5 We hope to provide current binary packages for many systems
6 from this page or point people to the packages for their distribution.
7 </p>
8 <p>
9 For the development edition (0.7.x)
10 check the <a href="devel.html#N1">development page</a>.</p>
12 <h2>Skencil (0.6.x stable series)</h2>
13 <p>You can download Skencil either in source form or as binaries.
14 Please note that Skencil needs some <strong>additional
15 software</strong> to run, some of which is probably not yet
16 installed on your system. See <a href="#N2">below</a> for more
17 information.</p>
19 <dl>
20 <dt><b>Sources:</b></dt>
21 <dd>
22 <p>Tarball:
23 <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/skencil-0.6.17.tar.gz">
24 skencil-0.6.17.tar.gz</a><br /></p>
25 <p>The tarball contains installation instructions and some
26 documentation.
27 <br>
28 For building on Mac OS X, see
29 <a href="http://midtoad.homelinux.org/wp/?p=116"
30 >Running Skencil on Mac OS X</a> by Stewart Midwinter.
31 </p></dd>
32 <dt><b>Binaries (current)</b></dt>
33 <dd>
34 <br />
36 <dl> <!--2-->
38 <dt><b>Fedora Core 4,3,2,1; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4,3 and Red Hat 9,8</b></dt>
40 <dd>
41 <p>Axel Thimm has picked up Skencil for in his
42 ATrpms apt / yum repository.
43 You might want
44 <a href="http://atrpms.physik.fu-berlin.de/name/skencil/">Skencil</a>
45 and
46 <a href="http://atrpms.physik.fu-berlin.de/name/PIL/">PIL</a>.</p>
47 </dd>
51 <dt><b><a name="debian">Debian</a></b></dt>
52 <dd>
54 <p>Daniel Baumann is the maintainer for the
55 <a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/skencil.html"
56 >Skencil Debian packages</a>.
57 </p>
59 <p>
60 A backported package for sarge is available on <a href="http://backports.org">backports.org</a><br>
61 </p>
62 <p>Add the following line to your sourcelist:<br>
63 deb http://www.backports.org/debian/ sarge-backports main
64 </p>
65 <p>
66 Thanks to Gregor Hoffleit (former Debian Maintainer).
67 </p>
68 </dd>
70 <dt><b>Suse 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.2</b></dt>
71 <dd>
73 <p>Joel Biddier offers
74 <a href="http://home.comcast.net/~jbiddier/suse/"
75 >Suse packages
76 and nice installation tutorials</a>.
77 Hint: Check out the blue links at the top.
78 </p>
79 </dd>
81 <br />
82 <br /></dd>
83 </dl> <!--2-->
85 <dt><b>Binaries (older)</b></dt>
86 <dd>
87 <br />
89 <dl> <!--2-->
90 <dt><b><a name="mandriva">Mandriva</a> (former Mandrake)</b></dt>
91 <dd><p>
92 Mandriva ships Skencil packages, at least you can get
93 them from their cooker and the mirrors.
94 At time of writing (January 2006) Mandriva only has 0.6.16 "skencil"
95 and the fonts are missconfigured. There is
96 a solution outlined in
97 <a href="http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20899"
98 >Mandriva Issue#20899</a>.
99 Please also vote for the pledge to packages the lastest version:
100 <a href="http://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=20899"
101 >Mandriva Issue#20673</a>.
103 </p></dd>
105 <dt><b>Red Hat 7.x</b></dt>
106 <dd>
107 <p>i386:
108 <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i386.rpm">
109 sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i386.rpm</a><br />
110 i686:
111 <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i686.rpm">
112 sketch-0.6.15-1-rh7x.i686.rpm</a></p></dd>
113 <dt><b>Red Hat 8.x</b></dt>
114 <dd>
115 <p>i386:
116 <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i386.rpm">
117 sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i386.rpm</a><br />
118 i686:
119 <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i686.rpm">
120 sketch-0.6.15-1-rh8x.i686.rpm</a></p>
121 <p>All RPMs were built by Andy Grimberg.</p></dd>
122 <dt><b>Slackware</b></dt>
123 <dd>
124 <p>
125 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware/8.1/sketch-0.6.14-i386-1.tgz">Sketch
126 0.6.14 for Slackware 8.1</a><br />
127 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware">More Slackware
128 packages</a><br /></p>
129 <p>All the Slackware packages were built by Jeffrey Boser. If there
130 are problems, you can reach him at
131 <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p></dd>
132 <dt><b>SuSE 6.x and Red Hat 6</b></dt>
133 <dd>
134 <p>
135 <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.12-1.i386.rpm">
136 sketch-0.6.12-1.i386.rpm</a><br />
137 (You also need the <a href="#N2">Python Imaging Library</a>)</p>
138 <p>This is a relocatable rpm that by default installs Sketch into
139 <tt>/usr/bin</tt>, <tt>/usr/lib/sketch-0.6.12/</tt> and
140 <tt>/usr/doc/packages/sketch/</tt>. If you want to install it
141 somewhere else, use rpm's --prefix option.</p>
142 <p>The RPM was built on a RedHat 6 system.</p></dd>
143 <dt><b>SuSE 7.2</b></dt>
144 <dd>
145 <p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Marcel
146 Ritter</a> has contributed a binary RPM for
147 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/suse//7.2/sketch-0.6.12-1.i386.rpm">SuSE
148 7.2 on i386</a>.</p></dd>
149 <dt><b>SuSE 7.1</b></dt>
150 <dd>
151 <p><a href="mailto:[email protected]">Marcel
152 Ritter</a> has contributed a binary RPM for
153 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/suse//7.1/sketch-0.6.12-1.sparc64.rpm">SuSE
154 7.1 on Sparc</a>.</p></dd>
155 <dt><b>Red Hat 7</b></dt>
156 <dd>
157 <p>Michael Walton has provided some RPMs specifically for Red Hat
158 7. Please have a look at the
159 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/README">README</a>:<br />
160 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/sketch-0.6.8-1.i386.rpm">sketch-0.6.8-1.i386.rpm</a><br />
161 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm">python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm</a><br />
162 </p></dd>
163 <dt><b>Linux PPC</b></dt>
164 <dd>
165 <p>Eric Marston has contributed a
166 <a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sketch/sketch-0.6.10-1.ppc.rpm">
167 Binary RPM of Sketch 0.6.10 for Linux PPC</a>. Newer versions may
168 be available in Linux PPC's
169 <a href="http://linuxppc.org/software/index/contrib/">contrib
170 section</a></p></dd>
171 <dt><b>Alpha</b></dt>
172 <dd>
173 <p>Philipp Reisner has contributed an
174 <a href="http://www.ist.org/~kde/rpms/sketch-0.6.5-2.alpha.rpm">RPM
175 of Sketch 0.6.5 for Alpha Linux</a>.</p></dd></dl>
176 <br />
177 </dd>
178 </dl><!--2-->
179 </dl>
181 <h2>Other software</h2>
182 <h3><a name="N2" id="N2">Python and Python Extensions</a></h3>
183 <p>The python interpreter is not included in the Skencil sources.
184 You have to download and install it separately. You need at least
185 version 1.5.1.</p>
186 <p>In addition to the interpreter itself, you need the Python
187 Imaging Library (PIL).</p>
188 <dl>
189 <dt><b>Sources:</b></dt>
190 <dd>
191 <p>If you want to compile python yourself, download the sources of
192 the interpreter and the PIL:</p>
193 <p>
194 <a href="http://python.org/download/">http://python.org/download/</a><br />
196 <a href="http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm">http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/index.htm</a></p>
197 <p>If you want to use the SVG import filter, you also need the
198 <a href="http://www.python.org/topics/xml/download.html">Python XML
199 package</a>. This package is optional, you don't need it for
200 anything other that the SVG import filter.</p>
201 <p>If you want to use the PDF export filter, you also need
202 <a href="http://www.reportlab.com/">reportlab</a>. This package is
203 optional, you don't need it for anything other than the PDF export
204 filter.</p></dd>
205 <dt><b>Binaries:</b></dt>
206 <dd>
207 <dl>
208 <dt><b>GNU/Linux Distributions:</b></dt>
209 <dd>
210 <p>Most recent Linux distributions include a suitable Python
211 interpreter but not the PIL. Some distributions split the Python
212 interpreter into several packages. You need to install the packages
213 that install the interpreter proper and the Tk interface Tkinter.
214 If you want to compile Skencil or the PIL yourself, you may also
215 have to install a 'python-devel' package.</p>
216 <dl>
217 <dt><b>Red Hat</b></dt>
218 <dd>
219 <p>7.x:
220 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/7.0/python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm">
221 python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh7x.i386.rpm</a><br />
222 8.x:
223 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/redhat/8.0/python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh8x.i386.rpm">
224 python-imaging-1.1.3-2ajg-rh8x.i386.rpm</a></p>
225 <p>Both RPMs were built by Andy Grimberg.</p></dd>
226 <dt><b>Slackware</b></dt>
227 <dd>
228 <p>
229 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware/8.1/python-2.2-PIL-1.1.3.tgz">PIL
230 1.1.3 (Slackware 8.1)</a><br />
231 <a href="<!--download root-->/packages/slackware">Other Slackware
232 packages</a></p>
233 <p>All the Slackware packages were built by Jeffrey Boser. If there
234 are problems, you can reach him at
235 <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p></dd></dl>
236 </dd></dl>
237 </dd></dl>
239 <h3>Tcl/Tk</h3>
240 <p>It is likely that you have this already, but if not, you can get
241 it from</p>
242 <p>
243 <a href="http://www.scriptics.com/software/download.html">http://www.scriptics.com/software/download.html</a></p>
244 <p>Any version from 8.0 to 8.3 should work.</p>


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