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Contents of /website/trunk/pages/faq/faqdom.py

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Revision 658 - (show annotations)
Tue Apr 11 08:22:48 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by torsten
File MIME type: text/x-python
File size: 11388 byte(s)
Continued restructuring of the repository. Moved folder from skencil.org into the trunk folder.

1 #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 import sys
3 from string import join, strip, split
4 import getopt
6 from xml.sax import saxexts
7 from xml.sax.saxlib import HandlerBase
8 from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Element, Text
10 from textformatter import TextFormatter
13 class Options:
15 new_sgml_dtd = 0
18 def extract_raw_text(element):
19 text = []
20 for child in element.childNodes:
21 if child.nodeName == '#text':
22 text.append(child.nodeValue)
23 else:
24 text.extend(extract_raw_text(child))
25 return join(text, '')
27 def element_to_sgml(element, label_dict = {}):
28 text = []
29 #print 'element_to_sgml', element
30 for child in element.childNodes:
31 #print child
32 if child.nodeName == 'faqref':
33 ref = "FAQ" + child.getAttribute("id")
34 item = label_dict[ref]
35 t = '<ref id="%s">%s.%s</>' % (ref, item.section, item.num)
36 elif child.nodeName == 'url':
37 url = child.getAttribute("url")
38 t = '<href url="%s">%s</>' % (url, url)
39 elif child.nodeName == 'href':
40 url = child.getAttribute("url")
41 t = '<href url="%s">' % url
42 t = t + extract_raw_text(child) + "</>"
43 elif child.nodeName == 'p':
44 t = '\n\n'
45 else:
46 t = child.toxml()
47 text.append(t)
48 return join(text, '')
50 def element_to_xhtml(element, label_dict = {}):
51 text = []
52 for child in element.childNodes:
53 #print child
54 if child.nodeName == 'faqref':
55 ref = "FAQ" + child.getAttribute("id")
56 item = label_dict[ref]
57 t = '<a href="#%s">%s.%s</a>' % (ref, item.section, item.num)
58 elif child.nodeName == 'url':
59 url = child.getAttribute("url")
60 t = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)
61 elif child.nodeName == 'href':
62 url = child.getAttribute("url")
63 t = '<a href="%s">' % url
64 t = t + extract_raw_text(child) + "</a>"
65 elif child.nodeName == 'p':
66 t = '<p>'
67 t = t + element_to_xhtml(child, label_dict)
68 t = t + '</p>'
69 elif child.nodeName == 'itemize':
70 ul = Element("ul")
71 for item in child.getElementsByTagName("item"):
72 li = Element("li")
73 for insideitem in item.childNodes:
74 li.appendChild(insideitem)
75 ul.appendChild(li)
76 t = ul.toxml()
77 else:
78 t = child.toxml()
79 text.append(t)
80 return join(text, '')
82 class Entry:
84 def __init__(self, section, num, title, body, label = ''):
85 self.section = section
86 self.num = num
87 self.title = title
88 self.body = body
89 if label:
90 self.label = "FAQ" + label
91 else:
92 self.label = "FAQ" + `self.section` + '.' + `self.num`
94 def __cmp__(self, other):
95 if self.section != other.section:
96 return cmp(self.section, other.section)
97 return cmp(self.num, other.num)
99 def save_as_sgml(self, file, labeldict):
100 if Options.new_sgml_dtd:
101 file.write('<faqentry id="%s">%d.%d %s\n' %
102 (self.label, self.section, self.num,
103 element_to_sgml(self.title)))
104 else:
105 file.write('<faqentry>%d.%d %s\n<label id="%s">\n'
106 % (self.section, self.num, element_to_sgml(self.title),
107 self.label))
108 file.write("<faqbody>\n")
109 file.write(element_to_sgml(self.body, labeldict))
110 file.write("</faqbody>\n</faqentry>\n")
112 def toc_sgml(self):
113 return '&nbsp;&nbsp;%3d.%d <ref id="%s">%s</>' % \
114 (self.section, self.num, self.label,
115 element_to_sgml(self.title))
117 def save_as_xhtml(self, file, labeldict):
118 file.write('<h3><a name="%s">%d.%d %s</a></h3>\n' %
119 (self.label, self.section, self.num,
120 element_to_xhtml(self.title)))
122 paragraphs = 0
123 if len(self.body.getElementsByTagName("p")):
124 file.write(element_to_xhtml(self.body, labeldict))
125 else:
126 file.write("<p>\n")
127 file.write(element_to_xhtml(self.body, labeldict))
128 file.write("</p>\n")
130 def toc_xhtml(self):
131 return '&nbsp;&nbsp;%3d.%d <a href="#%s">%s</a>' % \
132 (self.section, self.num, self.label,
133 element_to_xhtml(self.title))
135 def toc_text(self):
136 title = extract_raw_text(self.title)
137 title = join(split(title))
138 return '%3d.%d %s' % (self.section, self.num, title)
141 class Section:
143 def __init__(self, section, title, label = ''):
144 #print 'Section', section, title, `label`
145 self.section = section
146 self.title = title
147 self.entries = []
148 if label:
149 self.label = "FAQ" + label
150 else:
151 self.label = "FAQ" + `self.section`
153 def append(self, entry):
154 self.entries.append(entry)
156 def save_as_sgml(self, file, labeldict):
157 if Options.new_sgml_dtd:
158 file.write('<faqsect id="%s">%d %s\n' %
159 (self.label, self.section, element_to_sgml(self.title)))
160 else:
161 file.write('<faqsect>%d %s\n<label id="%s">\n' %
162 (self.section, element_to_sgml(self.title), self.label))
163 for entry in self.entries:
164 entry.save_as_sgml(file, labeldict)
165 file.write("</faqsect>\n")
167 def toc_sgml(self):
168 return '%3d <ref id="%s">%s</>' % (self.section, self.label,
169 element_to_sgml(self.title))
170 def save_as_xhtml(self, file, labeldict):
171 file.write('<h2><a name="%s">%d %s</a></h2>\n' %
172 (self.label, self.section, element_to_xhtml(self.title)))
173 for entry in self.entries:
174 entry.save_as_xhtml(file, labeldict)
176 def toc_xhtml(self):
177 return '%3d <a href="#%s">%s</a>' % (self.section, self.label,
178 element_to_xhtml(self.title))
179 def toc_text(self):
180 title = extract_raw_text(self.title)
181 title = join(split(title))
182 return '%3d %s' % (self.section, title)
186 def extract(domfaqlist):
187 result = []
188 label_dict = {}
189 faq_title = domfaqlist.getElementsByTagName('title')[0]
190 domsections = domfaqlist.getElementsByTagName('section')
191 for secnum in range(len(domsections)):
192 section = Section(secnum + 1,
193 domsections[secnum].getElementsByTagName('title')[0],
194 label = domsections[secnum].getAttribute('id'))
195 result.append(section)
196 secfaqs = domsections[secnum].getElementsByTagName('faq')
197 for faqnum in range(len(secfaqs)):
198 title = secfaqs[faqnum].getElementsByTagName('title')[0]
199 body = secfaqs[faqnum].getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
200 label = secfaqs[faqnum].getAttribute('id')
201 entry = Entry(secnum + 1, faqnum + 1, title, body,
202 label = label)
203 if label:
204 label_dict[entry.label] = entry
205 section.append(entry)
206 return result, label_dict, faq_title
209 sgml_header = '''
210 <faqlist>
211 <faqhead1>Table of Contents</faqhead1>
212 '''
214 xhtml_header = '''\
215 title: Skencil / Frequently Asked Questions
217 <h2>Table of Contents</h2>
218 '''
221 def write_sgml(file, faqlist, title, label_dict):
222 file.write("<faqlist>\n<faqtoc>\n")
223 for section in faqlist:
224 file.write(section.toc_sgml())
225 file.write('<newline>\n')
226 for entry in section.entries:
227 file.write(entry.toc_sgml())
228 file.write('<newline>\n')
229 file.write("</faqtoc>\n")
231 for section in faqlist:
232 section.save_as_sgml(file, label_dict)
233 file.write("</faqlist>")
235 def write_xhtml(file, faqlist, title, label_dict):
236 file.write(xhtml_header)
237 for section in faqlist:
238 file.write(section.toc_xhtml())
239 file.write('<br />\n')
240 for entry in section.entries:
241 file.write(entry.toc_xhtml())
242 file.write('<br />\n')
244 for section in faqlist:
245 section.save_as_xhtml(file, label_dict)
248 bullets = '-+o*'
249 def format_element(element, formatter, label_dict, list_depth = -1):
250 for child in element.childNodes:
251 #print child
252 if child.nodeName == 'faqref':
253 ref = "FAQ" + child.getAttribute("id")
254 item = label_dict[ref]
255 formatter.add_text('%s.%s' % (item.section, item.num))
256 elif child.nodeName == 'url':
257 url = child.getAttribute("url")
258 formatter.add_text('URL:%s' % url)
259 elif child.nodeName == 'href':
260 url = child.getAttribute("url")
261 text = extract_raw_text(child)
262 formatter.add_text('%s (URL:%s)' % (text, url))
263 elif child.nodeName == 'p':
264 formatter.new_paragraph()
265 format_element(child, formatter, label_dict, list_depth)
266 elif child.nodeName == 'itemize':
267 formatter.new_paragraph(indent = 4)
268 format_element(child, formatter, label_dict,
269 list_depth = list_depth + 1)
270 formatter.new_paragraph()
271 formatter.outdent(4)
272 elif child.nodeName == 'item':
273 formatter.new_paragraph(bullet = bullets[list_depth])
274 format_element(child, formatter, label_dict, list_depth)
275 elif child.nodeName == '#text':
276 formatter.add_text(child.nodeValue)
277 else:
278 format_element(child, formatter, label_dict,
279 list_depth = list_depth)
281 def write_text(file, faqlist, title, label_dict):
282 formatter = TextFormatter(file)
283 formatter.heading(extract_raw_text(title), underline = '=')
284 formatter.indent(2)
285 for section in faqlist:
286 formatter.vspace(1)
287 formatter.paragraph(section.toc_text(), vspace = 0)
288 for entry in section.entries:
289 formatter.paragraph(entry.toc_text(), vspace = 0)
290 formatter.outdent(2)
292 for section in faqlist:
293 formatter.vspace(2)
294 formatter.heading(section.toc_text(), underline = '=')
295 for entry in section.entries:
296 formatter.vspace(1)
297 formatter.heading(entry.toc_text(), underline = '-')
298 formatter.vspace(1)
299 format_element(entry.body, formatter, label_dict)
301 formatter.close()
303 def main():
304 format = 'sgml'
306 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ntx")
307 for opt, value in opts:
308 if opt == '-t':
309 format = 'text'
310 elif opt == '-n':
311 Options.new_sgml_dtd = 1
312 elif opt == '-x':
313 format = 'xhtml'
315 if len(args) == 0:
316 print 'faqdom.py usage: python faqdom.py [-t|-x] [-n] <xml_file> [<outfile>].'
317 return
319 doc = parse(args[0])
320 faqlist, label_dict, title = extract(doc.getElementsByTagName("faqlist")[0])
321 if len(args) > 1:
322 outfile = open(args[1], "w")
323 else:
324 outfile = sys.stdout
326 if format == 'sgml':
327 write_sgml(outfile, faqlist, title, label_dict)
328 elif format == 'text':
329 write_text(outfile, faqlist, title, label_dict)
330 elif format == 'xhtml':
331 write_xhtml(outfile, faqlist, title, label_dict)
333 main()


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