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Revision 658 - (show annotations)
Tue Apr 11 08:22:48 2006 UTC (18 years, 10 months ago) by torsten
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File size: 67940 byte(s)
Continued restructuring of the repository. Moved folder from skencil.org into the trunk folder.

1 title: Skencil / Release Notes
3 <div class="section" id="skencil-0-6-17-june-19th-2005">
4 <h2><a name="skencil-0-6-17-june-19th-2005">Skencil 0.6.17 (June 19th, 2005)</a></h2>
5 <blockquote>
6 <ul class="simple">
7 <li>Prepare for Python 2.4:<ul>
8 <li>Update paxtkinter to deal with python's Tkinter changes</li>
9 </ul>
10 </li>
11 <li>The .sk file format is now the default file format in the File/Open
12 dialog. Patch by Frank Koormann</li>
13 <li>The setup.py script works on HP-UX now. Shared libraries have a .sl
14 extension there. Patch by Olivier Mehani (Savannah patch #3709).</li>
15 <li>Mouse-wheel support for the canvas. The mouse wheel scrolls up/down.
16 Savannah patch #3836 by cafeine</li>
17 <li>Updated the FAQ a bit to better match the one on the web-page.</li>
18 <li>Kinyarwanda translations by Steve Murphy. The translation seems
19 quote incomplete.</li>
20 </ul>
21 </blockquote>
22 <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
23 <blockquote>
24 <ul class="simple">
25 <li>On some systems math.atan2 raises an exception when called with two
26 zeros. Fix one occurrence in the arrow module.
27 Reported by Joel Biddier</li>
28 <li>Cancelling the drawing of a poly line or poly bezier with ESC
29 resulted in tracebacks until the next mouse click. Reported by
30 Antoon Pardon (Savannah bug #9378). Patch by Valentin Ungureanu
31 (Savannah patch #3141).</li>
32 <li>The &quot;Export Raster&quot; script gives a better error message if
33 ghostscript can't be called. Bug reported by Eric Devost</li>
34 <li>When importing EPS files, skencil didn't parse %%BeginData comments
35 correctly. Fixed by Savannah patch #3134 by Bernhard Reiter</li>
36 <li>The svg export filter now sets the winding rule for all objects to
37 even-odd. Savannah patch #3103 by Philippe Blayo, fixes Savannah bug
38 #5756 by Simon Budig.</li>
39 <li>The SVG filter handles ill-formed transform specifications a bit
40 better. The old version would hang in a regular expression match if
41 the triling closing parenthesis of e.g. a matrix specification was
42 missing. Bug report by Joel Biddier</li>
43 <li>The svg import filter also accepts capital Z as closepath command of
44 a path specification as required by the SVG specification. Savannah
45 Patch #3587 by Bernhard Reiter.</li>
46 <li>In the print dialog, when the user clicked on the file selection
47 button and cancelled the dialog, Skencil would give an exception.
48 This is now fixed.</li>
49 <li>The usage messge printed when the --help option is given on the
50 command line now correctly refers to &quot;skencil&quot; not &quot;sketch&quot; anymore.</li>
51 <li>The source URL in the spec file now refers to skencil as well. It
52 still points to sourceforge, though. Patch by Paul Dickson</li>
53 <li>The setup.py script now finds the tcl/tk libraries on OpenBSD as
54 well (savannag bug #12046)</li>
55 <li>Already in 0.6.16, but not mentioned before: Skencil's type1 font
56 parsing code could not cope with some type1 files -- files with no
57 subrs or with flexes. Now it can. Bug report by André Pascual</li>
58 </ul>
59 </blockquote>
60 </div>
61 <div class="section" id="skencil-0-6-16-january-24th-2004">
62 <h2><a name="skencil-0-6-16-january-24th-2004">Skencil 0.6.16 (January 24th, 2004)</a></h2>
63 <blockquote>
64 <ul>
65 <li><p class="first">Skencil is the new name for the vector drawing program formerly known
66 as &quot;Sketch&quot;.</p>
67 <p>This is only a superficial renaming. All places in the GUI are
68 changed and the main executable is now called skencil (for backwards
69 compatibility you can also start Skencil with &quot;sketch&quot; as before).</p>
70 <p>Internally nothing has changed in this regard. The main python
71 package is still called Sketch for instance and the userspecific
72 configuration is still stored in ~/.sketch</p>
73 <p>Thanks to Frank Koormann for coming up with the name &quot;Skencil&quot;.</p>
74 </li>
75 <li><p class="first">New icons including a new icon for Skencil itself contributed by
76 Taiabati (<a class="reference" href="http://www.taiabati.it/">http://www.taiabati.it/</a>). These icons were drawn with
77 Skencil and the raster versions were created with the help of Gimp.
78 The Skencil files can be found in the Examples directory.</p>
79 </li>
80 <li><p class="first">The sk2ps.py script has a new option, --embed-fonts or -e to embed
81 the fonts used by a drawing in the postscript output. Patch by Otto
82 Tronarp</p>
83 </li>
84 <li><p class="first">The print dialog also has a check box &quot;Embed fonts&quot; now. Patch by
85 Antoon Pardon</p>
86 </li>
87 <li><p class="first">The sk2ppm.py script has a new option, --alpha-bits or -A, to make
88 ghostscript ase anti-aliasing. Patch by Tamito KAJIYAMA</p>
89 </li>
90 <li><p class="first">The skshow.py script has a new option, --fit. If given it fits the
91 bounding box of the drawing rather than the page to the window size.
92 Patch by Antoon Pardon</p>
93 </li>
94 <li><p class="first">The color dialog has RGB entry fields now. Patch by Bernhard Reiter</p>
95 </li>
96 <li><p class="first">Updated German translations</p>
97 </li>
98 <li><p class="first">Portuguese translations by Lopo Pizarro</p>
99 </li>
100 <li><p class="first">Updated French translation by Michel Robitaille</p>
101 </li>
102 <li><p class="first">Updated Swedish translations by Christian Rose</p>
103 </li>
104 <li><p class="first">WMF export filter by Lukasz Pankowski</p>
105 </li>
106 <li><p class="first">Antoon Pardon has updated the CGM filters</p>
107 </li>
108 <li><p class="first">The CGM export filter supports path text now. Patch by Lukasz Pankowski</p>
109 </li>
110 <li><p class="first">The script that reads GIMP paths is now in the Script subdirectory
111 and activated by default</p>
112 </li>
113 <li><p class="first">The center of rectangles is now also a snap point. Based on a patch
114 by Valentin Ungureanu</p>
115 </li>
116 <li><p class="first">The multi line text objects can deal with more variants of boldness
117 and other attributes in fonts. Patch by Antoon Pardon</p>
118 </li>
119 <li><p class="first">Make Sketch work with Python 2.3 without warnings:</p>
120 <ul class="simple">
121 <li>Update paxtkinter so that it works with the new Tkinter</li>
122 <li>Change hex literals so they don't trigger warnings about being
123 interpreted differently in future versions</li>
124 <li>Make sure to use ints and not floats where some C-functions expect
125 ints</li>
126 </ul>
127 </li>
128 </ul>
129 </blockquote>
130 <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
131 <blockquote>
132 <ul class="simple">
133 <li>Make sktops.py work when drawing all visible layers and the grid
134 layer is marked as visible. Patch by Andy Thaller</li>
135 <li>Sketch failed to load .sk files that contained very long lines
136 following a bezier curve. Patch by Andy Thaller</li>
137 <li>Sketch failed to load .sk files that contained empty plugin objects.
138 These objects are now simply ignored when loading such files</li>
139 <li>The SVG export filter makes sure now that text objects do not have
140 strokes. Bug reported by Peter Robins</li>
141 <li>The SVG import filter now uses a black fill by default. Bug reported
142 by John Ellson</li>
143 <li>Fixed the copyright notices which said LPGL but referred to the GPL
144 too. They now have the same license statement as all other LPGPLed
145 files</li>
146 <li>When &quot;Snap to Objects&quot; was active and a new object was created the
147 points that Sketch snapped to were not updated properly. Reported by
148 Valentin Ungureanu</li>
149 <li>Avoid attribute errors in the __del__ method of Font objects.
150 Reported by Antoon Pardon</li>
151 </ul>
152 </blockquote>
153 </div>
154 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-15-january-31-2003">
155 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-15-january-31-2003">Sketch 0.6.15 (January 31, 2003)</a></h2>
156 <blockquote>
157 <ul class="simple">
158 <li>Updated CGM import/export filters from Antoon Pardon</li>
159 </ul>
160 </blockquote>
161 <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
162 <blockquote>
163 <ul class="simple">
164 <li>Fix the order of the items in the changelog in the spec-file (Andy
165 Grimberg)</li>
166 <li>When using setup.py install with the --dest-dir option make sure that
167 the correct filename is put into the bycompiled files (*.pyc). Patch
168 from Ralf Ahlbrink</li>
169 <li>Make Sketch compile with tcl/tk 8.4. Problem noticed by Michael
170 Soibelman.</li>
171 <li>In setup.py, handle the 'make' variable parameters (e.g. CC=gcc)
172 properly when they contain multiple equals signs. Patch by Sebastian
173 Stark</li>
174 <li>Allow digits in the keys of format specifiers in the format strings
175 returned by the Info method of a GraphicsObject.</li>
176 <li>The SVG import filter now handles the viewBox attribute of the svg
177 element (it doesn't handle the preserveAspectRatio attribute though).
178 The filter also makes sure that non-text object won't get a font
179 attribute and it understands more color names. Bugs reported by Keith
180 Hopper</li>
181 <li>The CMX import filter handles poly-curves with a large number of
182 points better now. Reported by Tim Wright.</li>
183 </ul>
184 </blockquote>
185 </div>
186 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-14-september-21st-2002">
187 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-14-september-21st-2002">Sketch 0.6.14 (September 21st, 2002)</a></h2>
188 <blockquote>
189 <ul class="simple">
190 <li>Brasilian Portuguese translation by Wanderlei Antonio Cavassin</li>
191 <li>Swedish translations by Christian Rose</li>
192 <li>New French translation by Michel Robitaille.</li>
193 <li>New Spanish translation by Esteban Manchado Velázquez</li>
194 <li>Updated po/README to explain about the formatting templates (%-format
195 specifiers in strings)</li>
196 <li>CGM import/export filters contributed by Antoon Pardon</li>
197 <li>New example script Script/footprints.py which contains the code of
198 the footprints script demonstrated in the Sketch presentations at
199 LinuxTag and EuroPython 2002.</li>
200 <li>Change the license statements of a few files to match those of other
201 modules (LGPL). The affected file are pdfgensaver.py, svgloader.py
202 and svgsaver.py in Plugins/Filters/ and Sketch/UI/plugindlg.py.</li>
203 <li>Already in 0.6.13: The SVG export has some basic support for Text.
204 Based on a Patch by Paul Giotta</li>
205 <li>Updated sketch.spec file based on the one Andy Grimberg used for
206 sketch-0.6.13-3.src.rpm</li>
207 </ul>
208 </blockquote>
209 <p>Internal Changes:</p>
210 <blockquote>
211 <ul class="simple">
212 <li>The pdfexport filter can now output to an existing reportlab pdfgen
213 canvas.</li>
214 <li>Remove the DEFS= lines from the Makefile.pre.in files. With them,
215 Sketch won't build with current CVS Python and probably won't with
216 2.3 either. The lines are not needed anyway for Sketch.</li>
217 <li>Added encoding declarations to some files in preparation for Python
218 2.3 which gives warnings for files that contain non-ascii characters
219 and don't have an encoding declaration.</li>
220 </ul>
221 </blockquote>
222 <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
223 <blockquote>
224 <ul class="simple">
225 <li>Applying Font settings when no object is selected (so that the
226 default settings are changed) now works again. Reported by Antoon
227 Pardon</li>
228 <li>Nodes inserted into bezier segments are now 'smooth' instead of
229 'symmetric'. Reported by Antoon Pardon</li>
230 <li>sk2ppm now works when the output filename is omitted. Bug reported by
231 Jan-Oliver Wagner</li>
232 <li>With Tcl/Tk &gt;= 8.1, filenames with non-ascii characters were not
233 handled correctly. This is better now, but it's probably not perfect.
234 Reported by Bernhard Reiter.</li>
235 <li>The SVG export filter now escapes text properly. Bug reported by
236 Stefan Eilers (SF #545267).</li>
237 <li>The extension modules in Sketch/Modules, Filter and Pax now use the
238 Python Memory API correctly as specified for Python 1.5.2 but it
239 should also be compatible with later versions including 2.3
240 (according to the discussion in April 2002)</li>
241 <li>The postscript output handles writing to an EPS file that's also
242 referenced by the drawing itself. Previously, in such cases Sketch
243 would open the eps file it was writing to again and copy the file
244 into itself filling up the file system. Bug reported by Rodrigo
245 Benenson (SF #550917)</li>
246 <li>The command Style-&gt;Update Style now works under Python 2.2 as well.
247 Bug reported by Juan Pablo Romero. Pieter Edelman pointed out that it
248 happens only under Python 2.2.</li>
249 <li>The line dialog now updates when the selected object doesn't have an
250 outline. It just checks the &quot;None&quot; checkbox in this case. In earlier
251 versions it would just ignore the selection change when the newly
252 selected object didn't have an outline. Reported by Antoon Pardon.</li>
253 <li>setup.py now looks for the tk header files in /usr/include/tclX.Y
254 (X.Y is the tcl version) as well.</li>
255 <li>Each time the line dialog was opened an empty arrow head was added to
256 the list of arrow heads making the option menu grow by one entry each
257 time the line dialog was opened. Fixed now.</li>
258 <li>Fix a typo in the simple_separation script. Spotted by Esteban
259 Manchado Velázquez</li>
260 <li>skapp.py referenced the locale module's Error exception which didn't
261 exist in Python 1.5.2.</li>
262 </ul>
263 </blockquote>
264 </div>
265 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-13-march-3rd-2002">
266 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-13-march-3rd-2002">Sketch 0.6.13 (March 3rd, 2002)</a></h2>
267 <blockquote>
268 <ul>
269 <li><p class="first">You can now assign font properties to multiple objects at once.
270 Suggested/reported/repeatedly whined about ;-) by Jeffrey Boser</p>
271 </li>
272 <li><p class="first">A multi-line text object. You can create multiline text objects with
273 the menu item Edit-&gt;Create-&gt;Multiline Text. Contributed by Christof
274 Ecker</p>
275 </li>
276 <li><p class="first">An import filter for the Acorn Drawfiles. Contributed by David
277 Boddie.</p>
278 </li>
279 <li><p class="first">The gradient editor now has a button &quot;Reverse&quot; which reverses the
280 gradient in the editor. Patch from Aurelien Gateau</p>
281 </li>
282 <li><p class="first">Updated translations: Spanish by Esteban Manchado Velázquez, Russian
283 by Andrey Kiselev, Italian by Mauro Colorio.</p>
284 </li>
285 <li><p class="first">The wmf import filter supports a PolyPolylines now. Patch from Antoon
286 Pardon.</p>
287 </li>
288 <li><p class="first">A new command line tool, skconvert.py that converts between vector
289 formats Sketch can read and write.</p>
290 </li>
291 <li><p class="first">A new command line tool, sk2ppm to convert vector files to PPM
292 (portable pixmap)</p>
293 </li>
294 <li><p class="first">Two new sample scripts in Script:</p>
295 <p>reload_image can reload external raster images or update the preview
296 images of EPS files.</p>
297 <p>simple_separation provides a very simple form of color separation by
298 creating one ps file for each color used in the drawing.</p>
299 </li>
300 <li><p class="first">The Illustrator-import filter now gives a warning if the file looks
301 as if it's not generated by AI. Furthermore it understands text
302 alignment now.</p>
303 </li>
304 <li><p class="first">The SVG import filter parses paths more correctly now. The old
305 version didn't accept numbers without delimiters in between, which is
306 legal in an SVG path if the second number starts with a sign.</p>
307 </li>
308 <li><p class="first">Some of the scripts in the Script module are now loaded automatically
309 on startup. If you don't want that, put the line</p>
310 <p>preferences.standard_scripts = []</p>
311 <p>into ~/.sketch/preferences.py</p>
312 </li>
313 <li><p class="first">The resolution of EPS images is configurable now. You can set it with
314 in ~/.sketch/preferences.py with a line like</p>
315 <p>preferences.eps_preview_resolution = 144</p>
316 <p>In this example the resolutioin is set ot 144 pixels per inch, which
317 is twice the default value.</p>
318 </li>
319 </ul>
320 </blockquote>
321 <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
322 <blockquote>
323 <ul class="simple">
324 <li>Quote filenames of EPS files properly when rendering the preview.
325 The previous behavior was a security problem.</li>
326 <li>The setup.py script omitted the -lX11 parameter for the paxtkinter
327 module when run under Python 2.1 or with the --tk-autoconf parameter.
328 Spotted by Grant Edwards.</li>
329 <li>The PostScriptDevice's DrawLineXY method used the wrong y coordinate
330 for the end-point.</li>
331 <li>The PostScriptDevice uses floats for font sizes now.</li>
332 <li>Call setlocale to make the gettext functions work properly. There's
333 some strange interaction with tcl/tk for which Sketch/UI/skapp.py
334 contains a workaround. Reported by Gregor Hoffleit.</li>
335 <li>Not really a bug-fix, perhaps, but in SafeScripts it's now allowed to
336 call a few of the special python methods, such as __cmp__. The spread
337 script ran into this problem in some cases.</li>
338 <li>The reload panel lists the correct modules again.</li>
339 <li>In the Pax module, the CopyPlane of the pixmap objects allows another
340 pixmap as the destination drawable too.</li>
341 <li>Already done in 0.6.12: Fixed a bug in the stream filter module that
342 prevented Sketch from loading very small images embedded in Sketch
343 documents. Reported by Geoffrey T. Dairiki.</li>
344 </ul>
345 </blockquote>
346 <p>Internal Changes:</p>
347 <blockquote>
348 <ul>
349 <li><p class="first">Plugins can now have plugin specific libraries. This is done with a
350 slightly incompatible way in how the plugin path is handled.</p>
351 <p>If A plugin has additional library modules, the library modules
352 should be put into a Lib direcory in the directory where the plugin
353 is placed. Sketch will automatically create a Lib package whose
354 __path__ contains that Lib directory so that the plugin can import
355 modules from there with &quot;import Lib.module&quot;. How this works can be
356 seen in both new plugins (multi-line text and the drawfile input
357 filter).</p>
358 </li>
359 <li><p class="first">Plugins may now have an additional configuration variable,
360 load_immediately. When set to true (default false) it will cause the
361 plugin management code to load the plugin module immediately after it
362 has been scanned.</p>
363 </li>
364 <li><p class="first">The function Sketch.UI.prompt.get_sketch_modules once again correctly
365 determines which modules belong to Sketch.</p>
366 </li>
367 </ul>
368 </blockquote>
369 </div>
370 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-12-july-5th-2001">
371 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-12-july-5th-2001">Sketch 0.6.12 (July 5th, 2001)</a></h2>
372 <blockquote>
373 <ul class="simple">
374 <li>View-&gt;Load Palette... also supports Gimp palette files.</li>
375 </ul>
376 </blockquote>
377 <p>Bug fixes:</p>
378 <blockquote>
379 <ul class="simple">
380 <li>The PostScript generator now handles RGBA images used as tiles
381 correctly. Reported by Andy Grimberg.</li>
382 <li>Modifying objects that lay far outside the window could lead to X
383 Errors.</li>
384 <li>Loading AI files sometimes raised exceptions with an AttributeError
385 &quot;'None' object has no attribute 'guess_continuity'&quot;. This is now
386 fixed. Reported by Eric Faurot.</li>
387 <li>The CMX import filter handles empty groups gracefully. Bug reported
388 by Yuri Shchedov.</li>
389 <li>Fix some typos in skshow's doc-string. This is basically what's
390 already done with the Debian packages.</li>
391 <li>Changing the paper format could lead to an inconsistent mapping
392 between document and window coordinates. Reported by Antoon Pardon.</li>
393 </ul>
394 </blockquote>
395 <p>Internal Changes:</p>
396 <blockquote>
397 <ul class="simple">
398 <li>The TrafoPlugin objects have a Trafo method now that returns the
399 transformation.</li>
400 <li>TrafoPlugin.__init__ now accepts a trafo object as the trafo kw-arg
401 and accepts the loading kw-arg.</li>
402 <li>The Append* methods of curve objects now raise a TypeError exception
403 when the first segment appended to a curve is not a line segment. One
404 consequence of this change is that Sketch may not be able to load
405 some sk-files anymore when they contain curves that start with a
406 bezier segment. You can use the new script Misc/fix_broken_sk_file.py
407 to fix such files.</li>
408 </ul>
409 </blockquote>
410 </div>
411 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-11-june-9th-2001">
412 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-11-june-9th-2001">Sketch 0.6.11 (June 9th, 2001)</a></h2>
413 <blockquote>
414 <ul class="simple">
415 <li>Updated Spanish translation by Esteban Manchado Velázquez</li>
416 <li>Add /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts to the default list of font
417 directories (for debian).</li>
418 <li>Include the .spec file in the tarball and distribute the Misc
419 directory with the RPMs as documentation.</li>
420 </ul>
421 </blockquote>
422 <p>Bug fixes:</p>
423 <blockquote>
424 <ul class="simple">
425 <li>The find_include_dir function in setup.py now catches and ignores
426 OSError exceptions, too. Pointed out by Pierre HANSER.</li>
427 <li>The russian translation are now properly contained in the archive as
428 *.mo files too.</li>
429 <li>Drawings that contained non-ASCII characters in strings were not read
430 back correctly when saved under Python 2.1</li>
431 <li>The import filters now remove empty curve objects. The implementation
432 of 0.6.9 didn't cover all special cases. The new one works
433 differently but shuld catch all cases.</li>
434 </ul>
435 </blockquote>
436 </div>
437 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-10-may-14th-2001">
438 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-10-may-14th-2001">Sketch 0.6.10 (May 14th, 2001)</a></h2>
439 <blockquote>
440 <ul>
441 <li><p class="first">Russian translation contributed by Andrey Kiselev</p>
442 </li>
443 <li><p class="first">Fix setup.py so that Sketch can be compiled with Python 2.1. The main
444 change here is that in Python 2.1, the _tkinter configuration can't
445 be taken from the Setup file anymore because of Python's new build
446 process.</p>
447 <p>If setup.py is run by Python 2.1 or higher it now uses the distutils
448 and code pretty much like Python's setup.py to figure out which
449 compiler flags to use for the Tk-specific C-code.</p>
450 <p>This change also introduces two new command line options for the
451 configure command:</p>
452 <table class="docutils option-list" frame="void" rules="none">
453 <col class="option" />
454 <col class="description" />
455 <tbody valign="top">
456 <tr><td class="option-group" colspan="2">
457 <kbd><span class="option">--tk-flags=<var>flags</var></span></kbd></td>
458 </tr>
459 <tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><p class="first">Compiler flags to use for building the tk-modules. E.g.</p>
460 <p class="last">./setup.py configure --tk-flags=&quot;-L/opt/tk/lib -ltk8.2 -ltcl8.2&quot;</p>
461 </td></tr>
462 <tr><td class="option-group">
463 <kbd><span class="option">--tk-autoconf</span></kbd></td>
464 <td><p class="first">Determine the compiler flags for Sketch's tk-modules without
465 referring to Python's Setup file as described above. When run
466 under Python 2.1 this will always be done. You can use this flag
467 to force this mode under older Python versions.</p>
468 <p class="last">It only works if the distutils are installed. Beginning with
469 Python 1.6 the distutils are part of Python's standard library.
470 For Python 1.5.2 a separate package is available at
471 &lt;<a class="reference" href="http://www.python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/download.html">http://www.python.org/sigs/distutils-sig/download.html</a>&gt;</p>
472 </td></tr>
473 </tbody>
474 </table>
475 </li>
476 <li><p class="first">&quot;setup.py build&quot; now stops when an error occurs. This should make
477 build problems more obvious.</p>
478 </li>
479 <li><p class="first">setup.py now stops when an unknown command line flag is given.</p>
480 </li>
481 <li><p class="first">Fix the point extension type to work with Python 2.1</p>
482 </li>
483 <li><p class="first">In the print dialog, the &quot;rotate ccw.&quot; checkbutton is automatically
484 set when the document uses landscape page orientation.</p>
485 </li>
486 <li><p class="first">The SVG import filter now has basic support for text and images.
487 Contributed by John Shumway.</p>
488 </li>
489 <li><p class="first">The SVG import filter now works with Python 2.1 (and probably 2.0 as
490 well).</p>
491 </li>
492 <li><p class="first">The virtual size of the canvas is much larger now to accomodate large
493 paper sizes better.</p>
494 </li>
495 <li><p class="first">The generator scripts in Pax/Generate create ANSI prototypes now</p>
496 </li>
497 </ul>
498 </blockquote>
499 <p>Bug fixes:</p>
500 <blockquote>
501 <ul class="simple">
502 <li>In the SVG export filter, add a missing space in the radial gradients
503 SVG code, and set gradientUnits=&quot;userSpaceOnUse&quot; in linear and radial
504 gradients. Pointed out by Laetitia MARIN.</li>
505 <li>The warning module would throw exceptions instead of printing error
506 when plugin directories were not readable. Pointed out by Jonathan
507 Soons.</li>
508 <li>The computation of the bounding rectangles of an ellipse threw
509 exceptions on some platforms in some cases. Pointed out by Damien
510 Chrisment</li>
511 <li>Catch import errors for plugins better in mainwindow.py. In earlier
512 versions an import error in e.g. the SVG import filter would abort
513 the entire application.</li>
514 <li>Fix a bug in the PDF export filter that gave filled arrows the wrong
515 color.</li>
516 <li>Python 2.1 exposed a bug in the rect implementation that gave a
517 document an infinite bounding box in some cases.</li>
518 <li>Changes in the paperformat have the proper effect now on the position
519 of the page on the virtual canvas.</li>
520 <li>Fixed the _type1module to work with Python 2.0.</li>
521 </ul>
522 </blockquote>
523 </div>
524 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-9-march-1st-2001">
525 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-9-march-1st-2001">Sketch 0.6.9 (March 1st, 2001)</a></h2>
526 <blockquote>
527 <ul>
528 <li><p class="first">Italian translation contributed by Mauro Colorio.</p>
529 </li>
530 <li><p class="first">Bernhard Reiter contributed an expanded version of the
531 export_raster.py script which lets you set more parameters in the
532 dialog. It is now in the Script package so that you can import it
533 with the line</p>
534 <p>import Script.export_raster</p>
535 <p>In your ~/.sketch/userhooks.py.</p>
536 </li>
537 <li><p class="first">The sk2ps script now has a --rotate/-r option to rotate the drawing.
538 Useful to print landscape format drawings.</p>
539 </li>
540 <li><p class="first">The line properties dialog no longer sets the color to None when a
541 group or other object is selected that doesn't have line properties</p>
542 </li>
543 <li><p class="first">Slightly updated FAQ list.</p>
544 </li>
545 </ul>
546 </blockquote>
547 <p>Bug fixes:</p>
548 <blockquote>
549 <ul class="simple">
550 <li>In some cases the PostScript generator rounded text-coordinates to
551 integers instead of using floats. Pointed out by Kai-Uwe Behrmann.</li>
552 <li>The PDF-export filter supports arrow heads now and handles dash
553 patterns correctly.</li>
554 <li>The XFig import filter supports dashes now</li>
555 <li>Fix a small problem in the SVG inport filter's handling of
556 coordinates in %-units. Patch provided by Philipp Matthias Hahn</li>
557 <li>Several fixes to make Sketch work with Python 2.0. Thomas Gellekum
558 contributed a patch for Sketch/Modules/skcolor.c and Ron Shonkwiler
559 pointed out problems in Pax when using PseudoColor visuals that are
560 also fixed now.</li>
561 <li>In tk versions &gt;= 8.1, key stroke events with non-ASCII characters
562 should work once more for Latin1 characters. Those tk-versions report
563 characters as UTF8 which confused Sketch. Reported by Armin Geisse</li>
564 <li>Fixed a small name error in selection.py which could be triggered by
565 buggy user scripts</li>
566 <li>Fix a bug in generating the warning message when keystrokes are
567 overridden by userhooks.py</li>
568 <li>The import filters are a bit more robust. They ignore empty curve
569 objects automatically</li>
570 </ul>
571 </blockquote>
572 </div>
573 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-8-august-12th-2000">
574 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-8-august-12th-2000">Sketch 0.6.8 (August 12th, 2000)</a></h2>
575 <blockquote>
576 <ul>
577 <li><p class="first">Styles can now have explicitly empty fill and line properties.</p>
578 </li>
579 <li><p class="first">&lt;Ctrl-Space&gt; now does the same as &lt;Space&gt; alone, that is, switch
580 between selection- and edit-mode. Unlike &lt;Space&gt;, &lt;Ctrl-Space&gt; also
581 works when editing text.</p>
582 </li>
583 <li><p class="first">Pressing Ctrl when moving objects or Bezier-nodes now also constrains
584 to diagonals in addition to horizontal and vertical movement. Based
585 on a patch by Antoon Pardon.</p>
586 </li>
587 <li><p class="first">You can now click and drag a bezier segment in edit mode. Based on
588 demo code by Simon Budig.</p>
589 </li>
590 <li><p class="first">Sketch can write PDF files now. For this feature you need reportlab
591 from &lt;<a class="reference" href="http://www.reportlab.com">http://www.reportlab.com</a>&gt;. This filter is quite complete, but
592 there are some limitations. It doesn't suport embedded EPS files,
593 tiled image fills, fonts that aren't among PDFs builtin fonts (it
594 will use Times-Roman instead), and some more esoteric features.</p>
595 <p>Note that reportlab 1.0 has some bugs that affect Sketch. They're
596 already fixed in CVS, so they should be in their next release.</p>
597 </li>
598 <li><p class="first">The SVG export filter supports radial and axial gradients now.</p>
599 </li>
600 <li><p class="first">Guide-lines no longer snap to other guide-lines when dragging them
601 but they still snap to guide-objects (i.e. objects on the guide layer
602 that are not guide-lines).</p>
603 </li>
604 </ul>
605 </blockquote>
606 <p>Bug fixes:</p>
607 <blockquote>
608 <ul class="simple">
609 <li>Give a meaningful error message when trying to print a document that
610 has no printable layers. Previous versions would fail with a
611 traceback in that case. The bug affected both File-&gt;Save as
612 PostScript and the Print dialog. Reported by Michael Walton.</li>
613 <li>In setup.py, use sys.exec_prefix to determine the location of
614 &quot;Setup&quot;. Patch contributed by Tessa Lau</li>
615 <li>Sometimes the allocation of a shared memory image fails even though
616 tests at startup showed that they're supported (a common problem on
617 Solaris due to a default configuration which only allows relatively
618 small shared memory images). This case is handled more gracefully
619 now.</li>
620 <li>setup.py now also looks in Setup.local (in addition to Setup) for the
621 tkinter configuration. Pointed out by Daisuke Yabuki.</li>
622 <li>In paxtkinter, initialize the Tcl interpreter properly. The old
623 incorrect way was causing problems with a japanese
624 internationalization patch. Pointed out by Daisuke Yabuki.</li>
625 <li>The rectangle object used to print a lot of tracebacks in edit mode
626 when the user didn't select a handle. Fixed now.</li>
627 <li>The information about the currently selected object in the status-bar
628 wasn't always updated correctly</li>
629 </ul>
630 </blockquote>
631 <p>Internal Changes:</p>
632 <blockquote>
633 <ul class="simple">
634 <li>The stream-filter module includes ASCII85 encode and decode filters
635 and some bug-fixes.</li>
636 </ul>
637 </blockquote>
638 </div>
639 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-7-may-5th-2000">
640 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-7-may-5th-2000">Sketch 0.6.7 (May 5th, 2000)</a></h2>
641 <blockquote>
642 <ul class="simple">
643 <li>The missing import of the plugins module that prevented Sketch from
644 loading any vector files, including it's native sk-format, is fixed.</li>
645 <li>Correction: The changes in the PIL import code in Sketch 0.6.6 do not
646 make it work with the PIL packages in SuSE Linux 6.2 and 6.3 out of
647 the box. Those packages are broken and have to be fixed as described
648 in INSTALL. The same applies to SuSE 6.4.</li>
649 </ul>
650 </blockquote>
651 </div>
652 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-6-april-30th-2000">
653 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-6-april-30th-2000">Sketch 0.6.6 (April 30th, 2000)</a></h2>
654 <p>New or Changed Features:</p>
655 <blockquote>
656 <ul>
657 <li><p class="first">French translations contributed by Yves Ceccone and Frédéric
658 Toussaint.</p>
659 </li>
660 <li><p class="first">Updated Spanish translations provided by Esteban Manchado Velázquez.</p>
661 </li>
662 <li><p class="first">A few new scripts in the Scripts package: average_points,
663 create_star_outline, inspect_beziers and create_spiral, contributed
664 by Tamito KAJIYAMA and spread which defines eight scripts to
665 distribute the selected objects in various ways, contributed by
666 Michael Loßin</p>
667 </li>
668 <li><p class="first">A new command line option, --run-script &lt;scriptfile&gt;, which executes
669 the file scriptfile on startup after creating the widgets and either
670 creating an empty new document or loading a document from a file if a
671 document filename was supplied on the command line.</p>
672 <p>The script is executed by execfile() with a globals dictionary
673 containg a 'context' object just like a normal user script.</p>
674 </li>
675 <li><p class="first">If a directory is given on the command line instead of a normal file,
676 Sketch now opens a file open dialog with that directory (suggested by
677 François Pinard).</p>
678 </li>
679 <li><p class="first">A simple slideshow tool, skshow.py. It's installed together with
680 sketch.py and sk2ps.py. Run it with the --help option to get more
681 information on how it works. (originally written as an example for
682 Christof Ecker)</p>
683 </li>
684 <li><p class="first">A new crosshairs style cursor, activated by the menu item
685 View-&gt;Crosshairs. If snapping is active, this cursor is warped to a
686 snap point if the mouse pointer is near one. (suggested by Rainer
687 Menzner)</p>
688 </li>
689 <li><p class="first">The &quot;Zoom Area&quot; tool can also zoom out now by holding the control key
690 when releasing the mouse button.</p>
691 </li>
692 <li><p class="first">New sections in the Developer's Guide about the connector module and
693 plugin objects.</p>
694 </li>
695 <li><p class="first">A new file Misc/magic with an entry for your magic file, as used by
696 e.g. file(1). Contributed by Michael Loßin.</p>
697 </li>
698 <li><p class="first">An FAQ list.</p>
699 </li>
700 </ul>
701 </blockquote>
702 <p>Bug Fixes:</p>
703 <blockquote>
704 <ul class="simple">
705 <li>Updated the AI import filter a bit to deal with Illustrator 8 files.
706 (Reported by Fritz Heinrichmeyer).</li>
707 <li>The Python Imaging Library is used as a package now. Some people want
708 to install PIL without the PIL.pth file because of name conflicts
709 with e.g. Zope. This change also makes Sketch work with the pil rpm
710 of SuSE Linux 6.2-6.3 out of the box.</li>
711 <li>The PostScript generator now treats dashes for lines with widths less
712 than 1 point as the screen drawing routines. I.e. the lengths of the
713 dash are computed as if the line width was 1 pt.</li>
714 <li>Fix the bug in the PostScript generator that produced incorrect
715 dashes if two lines with same logical dash-pattern but different line
716 widths were printed one immediately after the other.</li>
717 <li>The View-&gt;Outline checkbox menu item now reflects the outline status
718 correctly</li>
719 <li>The eval() security hole in the xfig import filter should be plugged
720 now.</li>
721 <li>The &quot;Update From...&quot; button in the plugin object dialogs works now.</li>
722 <li>Fixed a bug that caused objects to share fill patterns when assigning
723 fill properties to several objects at once. E.g. assigning an axial
724 gradient to two objects and then transforming one of the objects
725 would modify the gradient of he other object as well.</li>
726 <li>Changed a few places where pointers were cast to ints to support
727 64bit systems properly (reported by Philipp Reisner).</li>
728 <li>Fixed the AFM file parser to accept floating point numbers in various
729 places as the specification says (reported by Rainer Menzner).</li>
730 <li>Fixed a bug where the selection info wasn't updated properly. To
731 reproduce it in 0.6.5: Select the text tool and click somewhere but
732 don't type anything. Select the text tool again and click somewhere
733 else, type something, go to selection mode and press DEL. (reported
734 by Darren Stalder)</li>
735 <li>In mainwindow.py, bzip2 isn't called with the -c flag anymore. that
736 flag isn't necessary here anyway and some bzip2 versions didn't like
737 it. (reported by Michael Lossin)</li>
738 <li>Cutting/copying and pasting path text objects works now. (reported by
739 Michael Lossin)</li>
740 </ul>
741 </blockquote>
742 <p>Internal Changes:</p>
743 <blockquote>
744 <ul class="simple">
745 <li>In preparation for Python 1.6, checked for and corrected list appends
746 with more than one argument.</li>
747 <li>Initialization is a bit simpler now. Programs that use Sketch as a
748 library no only require that the Sketch module is in sys.path and
749 they have to call Sketch.init_lib(). If they want to use the Tk part
750 of Sketch as well they have to call Sketch.init_ui() which implicitly
751 also calls init_lib().</li>
752 <li>The default properties for Text-objects created by scripts have
753 changed. They used to have an empty fill pattern, but a black
754 outline, which doesn't make sense and really was a bug. Now they have
755 a black uniform fill and no outline.</li>
756 <li>The po files are now created with xpot from po-utils. See po/README.</li>
757 <li>The wrapper object for safe scripts doesn't complain about __cmp__
758 and __coerce__ anymore.</li>
759 </ul>
760 </blockquote>
761 </div>
762 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-5-february-10th-2000">
763 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-5-february-10th-2000">Sketch 0.6.5 (February 10th, 2000)</a></h2>
764 <blockquote>
765 <ul class="simple">
766 <li>&quot;Snap To Objects&quot; now also works for raster images and eps files.
767 They can even be used as guides by moving them onto the guide layer.
768 They behave just like rectangles in this regard.</li>
769 <li>bzip2 compressed sk-files (and also ai and svg) can now be
770 uncompressed transparently if bzip2 is installed. The same
771 functionality for gzip was already present in 0.5.0.</li>
772 <li>A new example script, Script/save_selection.py that saves the current
773 selection as an eps file.</li>
774 <li>More accurate papersizes for the A&lt;n&gt; formats, contributed by Martin
775 Glaser. The sizes used to be derived from first principles, so to
776 speak, everytime on start up, but that does not yield exactly the
777 same values that the standard defines. The old code is still there in
778 Sketch/Graphics/papersize.py, if you're curious.</li>
779 <li>The way paper formats are stored in the sk-files has changed
780 slightly. Only formats of a fixed list are stored by name now, for
781 all others only the dimensions are saved. This was done to prevent
782 problems if users add new formats in their userhooks.py.</li>
783 <li>The 'layer up' button in the layer dialog works now.</li>
784 <li>The DSC parser, used for e.g. extracting the bounding box of EPS
785 files, can cope with non-Unix line separator conventions.</li>
786 <li>Fixed a bug in the code that draws axial (linear) gradients on the
787 screen. In some cases the direction of diagonal the gradients was
788 incorrect, most noticable for very large border values. Postscript
789 output was not affected.</li>
790 <li>Removed .ps and .eps from the list of possible file name extensions.
791 They misled users to assume that File-&gt;Open was the way to load EPS
792 files.</li>
793 <li>The --imaging-include option of setup.py should work properly with
794 relative filenames now.</li>
795 <li>Removed the GPL copyright notices from Pax/clipmask.[ch] because they
796 shouldn't be there. Those files have the same license as the rest of
797 the code in Pax.</li>
798 <li>Fixed a typo in Resources/Fontmetrics/gs.sfd. The font in line 2 is
799 URWGothicL-Book</li>
800 <li>&quot;Zoom Out&quot; was translated incorrectly in de.po</li>
801 <li>Added -lm to _sketchmodule in Sketch/Modules/Setup.config and
802 Sketch/Modules/Setup.in</li>
803 </ul>
804 </blockquote>
805 </div>
806 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-4-january-11th-2000">
807 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-4-january-11th-2000">Sketch 0.6.4 (January 11th, 2000)</a></h2>
808 <blockquote>
809 <ul>
810 <li><p class="first">Fixed a bug in Sketch's postscript procset
811 (Resources/Misc/sketch-proc.ps) that caused problems when a
812 sketch-eps that contains eps's that use showpage was embedded in a ps
813 file which was then run through psnup (got that? :) ) To reproduce
814 it, create an eps with dvips, embed it in a Sketch drawing, export as
815 eps, embed it in a tex-document, create a psfile from that with dvips
816 and 'psnup -2' it. The resulting psfile executes a superfluous
817 showpage at the end of the embedded tex-eps.</p>
818 </li>
819 <li><p class="first">Blending of two path-text objects works now. In previous versions
820 attempting this would leave the document in an inconsistent state and
821 the user couldn't undo the operation or even save properly.</p>
822 </li>
823 <li><p class="first">Fixed bugs in the type1 font file parser and the underlying
824 postscript tokenizer. Some type 1 font files caused segfaults in the
825 tokenizer (e.g. the UTB_____.pfa font that comes with X11).</p>
826 </li>
827 <li><p class="first">Updated Spanish translation provided by Esteban Manchado Velázquez.</p>
828 </li>
829 <li><p class="first">More color icons provided by Panos Katsaloulis. Again, if you want to
830 use them, put the line</p>
831 <p>preferences.color_icons = 1</p>
832 <p>into ~/.sketch/preferences.py .</p>
833 </li>
834 <li><p class="first">Misc/export_raster.py: additional boolean parameter for the
835 export_raster and export_alpha functions, use_bbox. If use_bbox is
836 true only render the contents of the bounding rectangle, otherwise
837 render the entire page.</p>
838 </li>
839 <li><p class="first">Added Misc/Symbolgroup/, a plugin-object that can be used to build a
840 simple symbol library. See Misc/Symbolgroup/README for more details.</p>
841 </li>
842 <li><p class="first">setup.py: Give a more meaningful error message if _tkinter is not
843 configured in Python's Setup</p>
844 </li>
845 <li><p class="first">The mkfontdb.py script can also generate ghostscript Fontmap files
846 now thanks to Jeffrey Boser. The script is now at version 1.3.</p>
847 </li>
848 </ul>
849 </blockquote>
850 </div>
851 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-3-december-1st-1999">
852 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-3-december-1st-1999">Sketch 0.6.3 (December 1st, 1999)</a></h2>
853 <blockquote>
854 <ul>
855 <li><p class="first">The default properties for new objects can be set now by pressing the
856 apply button in the fill-, line- and font-dialogs when no object is
857 selected. Sketch will ask whether graphics objects or text objects
858 should be affected. You can select both, of course.</p>
859 <p>If you don't like this behavior, you can switch it off by putting the
860 following line into your ~/.sketch/preferences.py:</p>
861 <p>preferences.set_default_properties = 0</p>
862 </li>
863 <li><p class="first">A new button in the lower left corner of the main window (with an X
864 bitmap) that is equivalent to Style/No Fill when pressed with the
865 left mouse button and equivalent to Style/No Line when pressed with
866 the middle mouse button.</p>
867 </li>
868 <li><p class="first">When editing bezier curves, the ctrl-key now restricts the movement
869 of nodes to horizontal and vertical and when dragging a control
870 point, the angle of the tangent is restricted to multiples of 15
871 degrees.</p>
872 </li>
873 <li><p class="first">When drawing bezier curves the ctrl-key now restricts the slope of
874 the tangent to multiples of 15 degrees.</p>
875 </li>
876 <li><p class="first">When drawing poly-lines, the ctrl-key now restricts the slopes of the
877 lines to multiples of 15 degrees.</p>
878 </li>
879 <li><p class="first">Selecting a blend group works a little different now, so that
880 clicking on the interpolation selects the entire blend group. In
881 earlier versions only the interpolation object was selected in that
882 case. Clicking on a control object of a blend group still selects
883 just the control object. (The blend group object contains both the
884 control objects and the interpolation objects).</p>
885 <p>The reason for this change is that it makes it easier to select two
886 blend groups to create an interpolation betweem them.</p>
887 <p>The change also affects the blend dialog if the selected blend group
888 has more than one control object. To change the number of steps in an
889 interpolation you have to select the interpolation object by holding
890 Ctrl and Shift when clicking on the object, just like you would with
891 a normal group to select a contained object.</p>
892 </li>
893 <li><p class="first">A small change in the way Sketch determines which handle to drag when
894 editing a bezier curve: When a node and one of its control points
895 coincide, it was impossible to drag the control point. Now Sketch
896 selects the control point in that case. Coinciding nodes and control
897 points can occur when gridding is on and they're often found
898 Illustrator files.</p>
899 </li>
900 <li><p class="first">There's a new directory Misc/ that contains some scripts that I use
901 occasionally. These scripts are somewhat unpolished and will probably
902 need some tweaking to fit your needs.</p>
903 <p>I also consider them 'half-supported', that is I test and fix them
904 only as far as I actually use them.</p>
905 <p>There are two scripts at the moment. One lets you export raster
906 images via ghostscript, and the other reads paths exported by Gimp.</p>
907 </li>
908 <li><p class="first">A small reorganization of the sfd files in Resources/Fontmetrics. The
909 Charter and Utopia fonts are now listed in a separate file gsopt.sfd.</p>
910 <p>The rationale behind this is that std.sfd contains the standard
911 postscript files--in as far as that can be defined--like Times-Roman
912 or Courier. gs.sfd lists the URW fonts that make up the standard
913 ghostscript fonts, which are basically clones of the standard
914 postscript fonts. gsopt.sfd lists optional ghostscript fonts.</p>
915 </li>
916 <li><p class="first">The afm-file parser is more tolerant now. It had problems with empty
917 lines.</p>
918 </li>
919 <li><p class="first">fixed a bug that made the context command 'Select Mask' fail.</p>
920 </li>
921 <li><p class="first">fixed a bug that caused the first few characters of a path-text to be
922 misplaced if the start position coincided with a node (but not the
923 start-node) of the curve-object.</p>
924 </li>
925 <li><p class="first">Fixed a small bug in the cmxfilter that flipped the orientation of
926 conical gradients.</p>
927 </li>
928 <li><p class="first">The command line option --version works again.</p>
929 </li>
930 <li><p class="first">There a new option for ~/.sketch/preferences.py, fallback_font. This
931 is the name of the font to use when a font or the corresponding
932 metrics can't be found. The default is 'Times-Roman'</p>
933 </li>
934 <li><p class="first">Added a note about the slightly broken pyimglib package in SuSE Linux
935 6.2 to the INSTALL file.</p>
936 </li>
937 <li><p class="first">Fixed a few typos in the German translation.</p>
938 </li>
939 <li><p class="first">Updated Spanish translation provided by Esteban Manchado Velázquez.</p>
940 </li>
941 <li><p class="first">Added a new section about export filters to the developer's guide.</p>
942 </li>
943 <li><p class="first">setup.py parsed macro definitions in Setup incorrectly. This is fixed
944 now. I also documented the --python-setup option.</p>
945 </li>
946 <li><p class="first">setup.py's build command accepts arguments of the form &lt;KEY&gt;=&lt;VALUE&gt;
947 now. These are passed through to make to let you override variables
948 like CC or OPT. See the generated Makefiles or Makefile.pre.in for
949 more details.</p>
950 </li>
951 <li><p class="first">The mkfontdb.py script knows a few more foundries and has a new
952 commandline option '-f' to specify the foundry used when it can't be
953 determined from the afm-file. I also increased its version to 1.2</p>
954 </li>
955 </ul>
956 </blockquote>
957 </div>
958 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-2-september-19th-1999">
959 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-2-september-19th-1999">Sketch 0.6.2 (September 19th, 1999)</a></h2>
960 <blockquote>
961 <ul>
962 <li><p class="first">Import/Export filters for the proposed Web-standard for vector
963 graphics, SVG. For the import filter, but not for the export filter,
964 you need the Python xml-package; see the INSTALL file for details on
965 where to get it.</p>
966 <p>Both filters are very primitive at the moment and only handle some
967 simple shapes and fills/strokes. In particular, there's no support
968 for Text or gradient fills among others yet.</p>
969 </li>
970 <li><p class="first">Cleaned up the documentation to have less practically empty
971 HTML-files and extended the section on font-configuration. It
972 contains information about Sketch's font-path and on how to add
973 fonts.</p>
974 </li>
975 <li><p class="first">Converted the images in the docs to the PNG format.</p>
976 </li>
977 <li><p class="first">When editing text objects, you can position the caret with the mouse
978 now.</p>
979 </li>
980 <li><p class="first">The create_star script is now interactive. It pops up a modal dialog
981 asking for the parameters of the star as an example how to use
982 dialogs is user scripts.</p>
983 </li>
984 <li><p class="first">The sample scripts select_same_line_color.py and
985 select_same_fill_color.py are substantially faster now if there's a
986 large number of objects to be selected.</p>
987 </li>
988 <li><p class="first">The help message in setup.py is more compact now, thanks to Gregor
989 Hoffleit.</p>
990 </li>
991 <li><p class="first">Fixed a bug in the XFig filter that lead to the rejection of files
992 with &quot;Flush Left&quot; justification (as generated by pstoedit, for
993 example).</p>
994 </li>
995 <li><p class="first">The AI import filter handles text in ai-files generated by ps2ai
996 better now.</p>
997 </li>
998 <li><p class="first">The AI filter understands font encodings now.</p>
999 </li>
1000 <li><p class="first">Fixed Sketch/Modules/skrect.c and Sketch/Modules/skcolor.c to avoid
1001 Problems with GCC 2.95.</p>
1002 </li>
1003 <li><p class="first">Fixed Sketch's font code to not require the EncodingScheme key in
1004 afm-files. This key is optional and is not present in afm-files
1005 generated by ttf2pfa, for instance.</p>
1006 </li>
1007 </ul>
1008 </blockquote>
1009 </div>
1010 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-1-august-5th-1999">
1011 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-1-august-5th-1999">Sketch 0.6.1 (August 5th, 1999)</a></h2>
1012 <blockquote>
1013 <ul>
1014 <li><p class="first">Spanish messages contributed by Esteban Manchado Velázquez.</p>
1015 </li>
1016 <li><p class="first">Color Icons contributed by Panos Katsaloulis. They're not used by
1017 default because the set of icons is not complete yet. If you like,
1018 you can switch them on by putting the line</p>
1019 <p>preferences.color_icons = 1</p>
1020 <p>into ~/.sketch/preferences.py .</p>
1021 </li>
1022 <li><p class="first">The cursor now changes when the mouse is over a selected object or a
1023 guide line. You can switch this feature off by adding the line</p>
1024 <p>preferences.active_cursor = 0</p>
1025 <p>to ~/.sketch/preferences.py .</p>
1026 </li>
1027 <li><p class="first">The AI export filter handles axial and radial gradients now.</p>
1028 </li>
1029 <li><p class="first">The AI import filter understands gradients better now. In particular,
1030 it can handle AI files with gradients created by Corel Draw correctly
1031 now (I hope).</p>
1032 </li>
1033 <li><p class="first">The AI import filter knows about guides and places all guides in an
1034 AI-file on the guide layer. In former versions the guide paths were
1035 mixed with normal paths resulting in incorrect paths.</p>
1036 </li>
1037 <li><p class="first">The CMX import filter also loads radial and conical gradients now (in
1038 addition to axial gradients).</p>
1039 </li>
1040 <li><p class="first">Fixed the bug that caused multiple handles at the same position to
1041 become invisible in some situations.</p>
1042 </li>
1043 <li><p class="first">Two new sample scripts, create_star and create_text.</p>
1044 </li>
1045 <li><p class="first">I added a section to the user scripts documentation, covering 'common
1046 tasks' like the creation of objects, manipulating objects and
1047 manipulating the current selection.</p>
1048 </li>
1049 <li><p class="first">The postscript file generated for a landscape drawing now has a
1050 %%Orientation: Landscape comment, if the 'rotate ccw' button is
1051 checked.</p>
1052 </li>
1053 <li><p class="first">Updated paxtkinter to work with Tcl/Tk 8.1.</p>
1054 </li>
1055 </ul>
1056 </blockquote>
1057 </div>
1058 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-6-0-may-18th-1999">
1059 <h2><a name="sketch-0-6-0-may-18th-1999">Sketch 0.6.0 (May 18th, 1999)</a></h2>
1060 <blockquote>
1061 <ul>
1062 <li><p class="first">Support for non-english messages via gettext. Run setup.py with the
1063 '--with-nls' option to activate this. So far there's only support for
1064 German.</p>
1065 <p>If you want to add support for a new language, have a look at
1066 po/README.</p>
1067 </li>
1068 <li><p class="first">The symbolic links created by `setup.py install' use relative
1069 filenames now.</p>
1070 </li>
1071 <li><p class="first">The Developer's Guide has some more documentation on how to implement
1072 import filters</p>
1073 </li>
1074 <li><p class="first">The Illustrator export filter handles embedded raster images and
1075 some text.</p>
1076 </li>
1077 <li><p class="first">The Illustrator import filter handles some embedded raster image formats.</p>
1078 </li>
1079 <li><p class="first">Fixed a bug when placing objects (e.g. raster images) while in
1080 creation mode.</p>
1081 </li>
1082 <li><p class="first">Fixed a bug in the PostScript generator, that could lead to wrong
1083 fill/stroke colors.</p>
1084 </li>
1085 <li><p class="first">When drawing poly-lines and you start with just a mouse-click and no
1086 drag, only only the starting point is defined. If you drag, the first
1087 two points are defined.</p>
1088 <p>The old behavior was to always create the first two points which
1089 resulted in zero-length first segment if the mouse wasn't dragged.</p>
1090 </li>
1091 <li><p class="first">The reset button in the align dialog has been removed. To switch off
1092 alignment in one direction, click on the sunken button.</p>
1093 </li>
1094 <li><p class="first">The Type1 font parser is smarter. The old parser had problems with
1095 fonts using Mac line separators.</p>
1096 </li>
1097 </ul>
1098 </blockquote>
1099 </div>
1100 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-5-5-april-22nd-1999">
1101 <h2><a name="sketch-0-5-5-april-22nd-1999">Sketch 0.5.5 (April 22nd, 1999)</a></h2>
1102 <ul>
1103 <li><p class="first">Improved import filters:</p>
1104 <ul class="simple">
1105 <li>AI import filter has some text support now for point text and path
1106 text and it handles transformed gradients slightly better</li>
1107 <li>The WMF import filter is much more stable and complete now. The
1108 version distributed with 0.5.4 was very incomplete and buggy.</li>
1109 <li>The CMX import filter is much more stable and complete now. The
1110 version distributed with 0.5.4 was very incomplete. The new version
1111 suports 32 bit files.</li>
1112 </ul>
1113 </li>
1114 <li><p class="first">The rulers now obey the default unit settings.</p>
1115 </li>
1116 <li><p class="first">The vertical rulers can display the text either horizontally,
1117 vertically (similar to GTK) or rotated (my favourite). The default is
1118 horizontally.</p>
1119 <p>You configure this by appending</p>
1120 <p>preferences.ruler_text_type = TYPE</p>
1121 <p>to ~/.sketch/preferences.py (edit this file while Sketch is not
1122 running). TYPE can be either 'horizontal', 'vertical' or 'rotated'
1123 (including the quotes!).</p>
1124 <p>The font for the rulers is determined by preferences.ruler_font for
1125 normal horizontal characters and preferences.ruler_font_rotated for
1126 rotated text. The default values are:</p>
1127 <p>preferences.ruler_font = '-<em>-helvetica-medium-r-</em>-<em>-10-</em>-<em>-</em>-<em>-</em>-iso8859-1'
1128 preferences.ruler_font_rotated = '-<em>-helvetica-medium-r-</em>-<em>-[0 10 ~10 0]-</em>-<em>-</em>-<em>-</em>-iso8859-1'</p>
1129 <p>If you use rotated text, ruler_font_rotated must be compatible with
1130 ruler_font, i.e. one must be a rotated version of the other.</p>
1131 <p>The '[0 10 ~10 0]' is a transformation matrix which rotates the
1132 characters by 90 degrees counter clockwise. This syntax was introduced
1133 in X11R6, so to use this your X server must be compatible with that
1134 X11 release.</p>
1135 <p>Depending on the quality of your font renderer and your
1136 X-configuration, the rotated fonts might look quite ugly, so you might
1137 have to test a number of different fonts to get good results. On my
1138 system, these settings are quite acceptable:</p>
1139 <p>preferences.ruler_font = '-<em>-lucida-medium-r-</em>-<em>-11-</em>-<em>-</em>-<em>-</em>-iso8859-1'
1140 preferences.ruler_font_rotated = '-<em>-lucida-medium-r-</em>-<em>-[0 11 ~11 0]-</em>-<em>-</em>-<em>-</em>-iso8859-1'
1141 preferences.ruler_text_type = 'rotated'</p>
1142 </li>
1143 <li><p class="first">The align dialog allows you to align the selected objects relative to
1144 the lowermost one. It would probably be better to use the first
1145 selected object instead, but that's not possible with Sketch at the
1146 moment, due to its implementation.</p>
1147 </li>
1148 <li><p class="first">Fixed a byte order bug that resulted in wrong colors for images on a
1149 big-endian X-server.</p>
1150 </li>
1151 <li><p class="first">Fixed some mask-group bugs: The Effects| Create Maskgroup entry is now
1152 grayed out correctly again and ungrouping the mask group places the
1153 mask on top of the objects now. Both bugs were introduced when I
1154 changed the behaviour of Create Maskgroup for Sketch 0.5.3.</p>
1155 </li>
1156 <li><p class="first">The AddFunction function of the script-registry has a new keyword
1157 parameter 'args'. See the user's guide for more details.</p>
1158 </li>
1159 <li><p class="first">If you delete all characters of a text object (with backspace or DEL)
1160 and then select a different object or change into another mode, the
1161 now empty text-object is removed from the drawing.</p>
1162 </li>
1163 </ul>
1164 </div>
1165 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-5-4-march-17th-1999">
1166 <h2><a name="sketch-0-5-4-march-17th-1999">Sketch 0.5.4 (March 17th, 1999)</a></h2>
1167 <ul>
1168 <li><p class="first">A user scripting facility. The user's guide has a new section about
1169 user scripts to get you started. The mechanisms to hook user scripts
1170 into Sketch are somewhat experimental, though and may change.</p>
1171 </li>
1172 <li><p class="first">A new import filter for Corel's CMX format. The filter is incomplete
1173 and only handles 16bit CMX files, because I only have sample files for
1174 that CMX-version.</p>
1175 </li>
1176 <li><p class="first">A new import filter for Windows Metafiles (WMF), again incomplete.</p>
1177 </li>
1178 <li><p class="first">The tooltips are active by default now.</p>
1179 </li>
1180 <li><p class="first">Setting the unit of the position indicator in the status bar (via its
1181 context menu) also sets the default unit used else where in Sketch.</p>
1182 </li>
1183 <li><p class="first">The dimensions of rectangles and ellipses are now given in the current
1184 default unit.</p>
1185 </li>
1186 <li><p class="first">When creating ellipses or rectangles the current dimensions are
1187 displayed in the statusbar.</p>
1188 </li>
1189 <li><p class="first">Similarly, when transforming an object, information about the current
1190 transformation is displayed in the statusbar, such as scaling factors
1191 and rotation angles.</p>
1192 </li>
1193 <li><p class="first">The ellipse drawing mode has two new variations:</p>
1194 <ul class="simple">
1195 <li>When holding down Shift, the ellipse is centered at the start point.</li>
1196 <li>When holding down Shift+Ctrl, the ellipse is a circle centered at
1197 the start point with the current pointer position on its periphery.</li>
1198 </ul>
1199 </li>
1200 <li><p class="first">Similarly, holding down Shift while drawing a rectangle uses the
1201 start point as the center of the rectangle.</p>
1202 </li>
1203 <li><p class="first">Path-text has been improved, introducing a slight incompatibility:</p>
1204 <ul>
1205 <li><p class="first">Characters that don't fit on the path are simply not drawn, but they
1206 are still there. In previous versions, these characters were all
1207 drawn at the same position at the end of the path.</p>
1208 <p>It is possible that path-text objects will look slightly different
1209 in future versions due to improvements in the algorithms used. In
1210 particular, multiple subpaths in a curve may be supported.</p>
1211 </li>
1212 <li><p class="first">You can drag the start position of the text along the path by
1213 dragging the small rectangular handle in edit mode. This is probably
1214 not the best interface. Suggestions welcome.</p>
1215 </li>
1216 <li><p class="first">In previous versions, the curve-like objects were automatically
1217 converted to bezier objetcs before the path-text group was created.
1218 Now, these objects remain as they are, i.e. rectangles will remain
1219 rectangles and ellipses remain ellipses.</p>
1220 <p>.sk files with rectangles or ellipses as the curves in path-text
1221 objects will not be read correctly by earlier versions.</p>
1222 </li>
1223 </ul>
1224 </li>
1225 <li><p class="first">You can now insert nodes and cut curves at specific positions:</p>
1226 <ul class="simple">
1227 <li>Select a curve object in edit mode</li>
1228 <li>click on the outline where you want to insert the node or cut the
1229 curve. A small filled circle appears.</li>
1230 <li>Select &quot;Curve | Insert Nodes&quot; or &quot;Curve | Cut Curve&quot; respectively.</li>
1231 </ul>
1232 <p>This new method also affects Line-&gt;Curve and Curve-&gt;Line. They convert
1233 the segment marked with the filled curve.</p>
1234 <p>The old behaviour is still there.</p>
1235 </li>
1236 <li><p class="first">The curve-object in a path-text object and the control-objects in a
1237 blend-group can now be converted to a bezier object in place.</p>
1238 </li>
1239 <li><p class="first">Added a few new key-strokes.</p>
1240 </li>
1241 <li><p class="first">The .sk file version number was updated to &quot;1 2&quot; because of the
1242 changes for path-text objects.</p>
1243 </li>
1244 <li><p class="first">Bug fixes:</p>
1245 <ul class="simple">
1246 <li>In the font dialog, the sizes list is updated together with the entry
1247 widget.</li>
1248 <li>&quot;Update From...&quot; in the font dialog works now.</li>
1249 <li>Images loaded from the same image file share the raster data again.</li>
1250 </ul>
1251 </li>
1252 <li><p class="first">Renamed the script mkfontdir.py to mkfontdb.py. This new version
1253 creates fonts.scale files by default now and is also distributed
1254 separately from Sketch. It's now distributed under the GPL and not the
1255 LGPL.</p>
1256 </li>
1257 </ul>
1258 </div>
1259 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-5-3-february-7th-1999">
1260 <h2><a name="sketch-0-5-3-february-7th-1999">Sketch 0.5.3 (February 7th, 1999)</a></h2>
1261 <ul>
1262 <li><p class="first">Sketch now has an experimental configure, build and install script.
1263 This script is modelled after the proposed standard for Python
1264 packages and applications currently discussed in the Python distutils
1265 SIG, although it's not much more than a wrapper around the old
1266 makefiles.</p>
1267 <p>For details on its use, see the INSTALL file.</p>
1268 </li>
1269 <li><p class="first">Python 1.5.2 compatibility:</p>
1270 <p>I've run Sketch with the 1.5.2b1 release for more than two weeks now,
1271 and almost everything works as before, with these exceptions:</p>
1272 <p>The stricter syntax check for functions with default arguments
1273 produced syntax errors in two places. These have been corrected.</p>
1274 <p>The new sorting order for objects of different types revealed an error
1275 in the example file line.sk. This file is fixed in the new release.
1276 The skloader should really make more checks during import.</p>
1277 </li>
1278 <li><p class="first">The Drawing modes are now permanent by default. They were mentioned as
1279 permanent in the NEWS for Sketch 0.5.2, but this was not really true.
1280 Whether they are permanent or temporary is configurable, and the
1281 default was `temporary'. To make them temporary again append the line</p>
1282 <p>preferences.creation_is_temporary = 1</p>
1283 <p>to the file ~/.sketch/preferences.py. This file (and the directory)
1284 will be created automatically by Sketch after it has run. Editing the
1285 preferences file works only if Sketch is not running, because Sketch
1286 always writes it on exit.</p>
1287 <p>This option will be moved into the Options-dialog someday.</p>
1288 </li>
1289 <li><p class="first">If you feel adventurous, you can try the tooltips feature, by adding
1290 the line</p>
1291 <p>preferences.activate_tooltips = 1</p>
1292 <p>to ~/.sketch/preferences.py. I hacked the code recently to make it
1293 work again, but it probably still has some bugs.</p>
1294 </li>
1295 <li><p class="first">There's an Illustrator export filter. To save a file in this format,
1296 select File|Save As... and supply a filename ending in '.ai'. Due to
1297 limitations in the standard Tk file dialog, selecting the Illustrator
1298 format in the file type option menu is not sufficient or even
1299 necessary.</p>
1300 <p>The current filter is incomplete.</p>
1301 </li>
1302 <li><p class="first">Rectangles may have rounded corners now. To create rounded corners,
1303 select a rectangle in edit mode and drag one of the corners.</p>
1304 </li>
1305 <li><p class="first">The .sk file version number was updated because of the rounded corner
1306 rectangles.</p>
1307 </li>
1308 <li><p class="first">Bezier curves (including poly lines) can now be used as guides. Move
1309 them to the guide layer and activate Arrange|Snap to guides. This
1310 already worked for ellipses and rectangles.</p>
1311 </li>
1312 <li><p class="first">When drawing polylines, the first click-drag-release creates the first
1313 line and not just the staring point.</p>
1314 </li>
1315 <li><p class="first">When creating a mask group, the topmost object becomes the mask. This
1316 is more intuitive, I think, than the lower most used before.</p>
1317 </li>
1318 <li><p class="first">To create guide lines, you can now simply drag from the rulers into
1319 the canvas just as in Gimp or CorelDraw.</p>
1320 </li>
1321 <li><p class="first">To delete a guide line just drag it and drop it somewhere outside of
1322 the canvas.</p>
1323 </li>
1324 <li><p class="first">A new command File|Insert Document lets you load a vector drawing in
1325 any of the supported formats and insert it into the current document
1326 as a group. You can then ungroup and edit it.</p>
1327 </li>
1328 <li><p class="first">The default unit for lengths is now configurable via the options menu.
1329 This does not affect the rulers yet.</p>
1330 </li>
1331 <li><p class="first">The current position in the status bar shows the snapped position now
1332 if snapping is active.</p>
1333 </li>
1334 <li><p class="first">Blending of two closed curves with differing numbers of segments
1335 produced ill-formed bezier curves. This is now fixed, but results in
1336 sligthly different blend groups as before in this special case.</p>
1337 </li>
1338 <li><p class="first">Converting a text object to curves results in a group with separate
1339 bezier objects for the characters (instead of a single multi-path bezier
1340 object).</p>
1341 </li>
1342 <li><p class="first">Two new window commands. Windows|Hide Dialogs hides (withdraws) all
1343 dialogs currently visible and Windows|Show Dialogs shows them again.</p>
1344 </li>
1345 <li><p class="first">Added a few new commands to the context menu for fill and line
1346 properties.</p>
1347 </li>
1348 <li><p class="first">A new command to select all nodes of a bezier object. Available from
1349 the Curve menu and from the context menu.</p>
1350 </li>
1351 <li><p class="first">Snapping of guide lines works properly now.</p>
1352 </li>
1353 <li><p class="first">If you want 'live' scrolling in the drawing area, where the display is
1354 updated while the scrollbars are dragged, add this to your Xresources:</p>
1355 <p>sketch*canvas_frame.Scrollbar.jump: 0</p>
1356 <p>The current release is not optimized for this, though, so it might be
1357 too slow.</p>
1358 </li>
1359 <li><p class="first">various bug fixes</p>
1360 </li>
1361 </ul>
1362 </div>
1363 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-5-2-december-09th-1998">
1364 <h2><a name="sketch-0-5-2-december-09th-1998">Sketch 0.5.2 (December 09th 1998)</a></h2>
1365 <ul class="simple">
1366 <li>Sketch contains a work-around for a bug in the Python 1.5.1 module
1367 import code that affected Sketch's import filters.</li>
1368 <li>An improved AI import filter with a faster and better parser. It is
1369 still not complete. See the comments in Plugins/Filters/ailoader.py
1370 for more details about the implemented features and limitations.</li>
1371 <li>A new (and experimental) print dialog is available via 'File/Print...'</li>
1372 <li>The script sk2ps.py works.</li>
1373 <li>The return value of XClearArea is ignored now, because XClearArea is
1374 declared void on SGIs.</li>
1375 <li>In the layer dialog, the context menu has been reorganized a bit and
1376 contains some layer specific entries ('Grid...' for the grid layer
1377 (the same as Arrange/Grid...) and 'Guide Lines...' for the guide layer
1378 (the same as Arrange/Guide Lines...))</li>
1379 <li>In the layer dialog , some of the buttons are grayed out if the
1380 corresponding layer attribute cannot be changed (e.g. the grid layer
1381 is always locked).</li>
1382 <li>The test for X shared memory images should work properly now.</li>
1383 <li>fixed the bug where images rotated by exactly 90 degrees were not
1384 drawn.</li>
1385 <li>the drawing modes (create curve, create rectangle, etc) are now
1386 permanent. You have to switch to edit-mode or selection mode
1387 explicitly.</li>
1388 <li>Switching between modes is now easier. The buttons for edit/select
1389 mode and for drawing are now `radiobuttons' and provide both a means
1390 to switch from one mode to another and an indicator for the current
1391 mode.</li>
1392 <li>the button for snap to grid now changes its relief from flat to sunken
1393 if snapping is active (instead of changing its bitmap).</li>
1394 <li>Added a label to the statusbar that indicates whether the drawing was
1395 modified since the last save or since it was loaded/created.</li>
1396 <li>_sketchmodule.so doesn't use drem anymore. (drem is not available on
1397 Solaris)</li>
1398 <li>The color allocation strategy for PseudoColor displays is
1399 configurable. The option is not available from the dialog yet.</li>
1400 </ul>
1401 </div>
1402 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-5-1-november-08th-1998">
1403 <h2><a name="sketch-0-5-1-november-08th-1998">Sketch 0.5.1 (November 08th 1998)</a></h2>
1404 <ul class="simple">
1405 <li>The bezier related commands of the arrange menu are now in the curve
1406 menu.</li>
1407 <li>Sketch now asks for confirmation (again) when the window is closed via
1408 the window manager. File/Exit did work correctly.</li>
1409 <li>sketch will print more diagnostic messages by default.</li>
1410 <li>the code in Sketch/Modules has been rearranged to increase
1411 portability. Interdependencies between compiled modules are now
1412 handled in a portable way.</li>
1413 <li>The test for X shared memory images should work properly now.
1414 Compiling the paxmodule without shared memory support is now possible.</li>
1415 <li>sketch used to hang in an infinite loop if a font was not available on
1416 the X-server and a MessageBox was popped up with an error message.</li>
1417 <li>Ctrl + cursor keys scrolls the viewport</li>
1418 <li>the drag&amp;drop bug, when dragging a color from the palette to the
1419 pattern widget in the fill panel, has been fixed.</li>
1420 <li>fixed Doc/fonts.scale to agree with Doc/fonts.alias</li>
1421 </ul>
1422 </div>
1423 <div class="section" id="sketch-0-5-0-october-31st-1998">
1424 <h2><a name="sketch-0-5-0-october-31st-1998">Sketch 0.5.0 (October 31st 1998)</a></h2>
1425 <p>first public release</p>
1426 </div>


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