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Revision Log
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* Adopted links in html to lowercase * Adopted links in template to lowercase * Added missing images * Moved old updatepages script into obsolete
Continued restructuring of the repository. Moved folder from into the trunk folder.
Adding new screenshots by Christian Ferber.
Added Stewart Midwinter's screenshot.
Screenshots: Added four nice screenshots of Skencil on Solaris by Joel, including cheesy texts. Replaced the development toolbox picture with a more modern one. News: Wrote a news item for screenshots and BuildImage 1.0.
Added new screenshot skencil-0.6.16 on xdarwin (Thanks to W. Craig Carter.)
Changing the page layout file so that diffs taken from the generated files can be applied better to sources.
This form allows you to request diffs between any two revisions of this file. For each of the two "sides" of the diff, enter a numeric revision.
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