Tag Cloud
Qtarcgisarcmapbloggingcertificatesdata-miningdatabasedecision-supportesrifederatedjavajavascriptmicrobloggingmodellingpostgispostgresqlpublickeyinfrastructuresciencesecuritytrackingvisualizationwebapplicationDisplaying results 1-3 out of 3 total.
Lada - Als Teil des Projektes KOALA (komponenten-orientierte Architektur mit langfristiger Ausrichtung) des BfS für die Neuausrichtung von IMIS wird ein Prototyp für die Verarbeitung von Labordaten entwickelt. | |
Tags: java, javascript, science, webapplication | |
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map |
Activity Percentile: N/A Activity Ranking: N/A Registered: 2013-04-09 14:15 |
dive4elements - Webapplication to visualize complex environmental data and model results. | |
Tags: javascript, java, visualization, modelling, decision-support, webapplication, science, data-mining, postgresql | |
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map |
Activity Percentile: 41 Activity Ranking: 14 Registered: 2011-09-23 08:42 |
pumpbridge - pumpbridge lets you link your pump.io account to other social networks. pumpbridge shares activitys in both directions. | |
Tags: javascript, webapplication, microblogging, blogging, federated | |
Activity Percentile: N/A Activity Ranking: N/A Registered: 2014-06-03 10:44 |